𝟸.𝟷𝟸: 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 (54)

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-Narrator's perspective-

"It appears that my brother also captured Danielle as his hostage." Kol intercepted, dropping the call that he had with Elijah just a second ago. By his information, Davina looked at him in a frown.

"What?" She asked unbelievably.

"Elijah wants us to find her." He added and there was no more questions asked and doubt that they will. "Right, I think I can pry my sister's location from Finn while you lot rescue Marcel. Deal?"

"So Estella." Finn started and saw the girl shifted uncomfortably on her feet. "She was quite the girl. So much so you almost made me believe that you fell in love with her back then."

"And where is this heading?" She asked impatiently.

"Easy it down, Sister. We have plenty of time to discuss her." He said nonchalantly and Danielle grumbled before sitting down on the floor, leaning on the doorway. "You know, I was the one who caught you with her that day."

Out of exhaustion, she sighed, clasping her face with her one hand. "Finn, I can as easily ignore you so you better get to the point before I lose all my patience."

"All your petty trust for our brothers and yet they didn't tell you what happened the night we fled." Finn started and barely see how Danielle looked at him with curiosity.

"Again with you making me think differently about Nik. Give it a rest, Finn. It's not going to work." Danielle said but it almost sounded forced.

"This isn't just about Klaus. It involves Elijah and Kol and how they lied to you." He said in such poison of their name. There were a lot of things that Finn knows. Even coming back to the year they took residence in Count De Martel's home for them to lay low. There was a main reason why Klaus kept his older brother locked in a coffin for 900 years. Just by thinking of why made Finn infuriated. He couldn't tell Danielle how the girl that mattered most to her- at the time- died. She always thought that one of Tristan's guards executed her.

"Enough." Danielle said in a stern tone, speeding to stand up and leaning on the archway, inches away from the barrier. "This ridiculous scheme of yours... enough."

Through seeing the girl looked so worked up, "By midnight, you will be set free." Finn hummed all villain-y before disappearing out of sight. He still had business to do with Marcel and what secret was his siblings hiding.

It left Danielle alone, in her own thoughts that were killing her mentally. There was no way that her brothers will keep a secret from her. Especially as important as the only person in her past that she cared for. It was before Hayley and it was long overdue for a thought. Besides, she's moved on centuries ago but why did she somewhat believe what her lunatic brother was implying?

Again, Klaus and Hayley were having a very heated argument on what to do and what not to do. Both of them were angry over what beliefs they had better but Klaus was persistent. He had the right to be since his daughter's safety is his most priority. The same can be said with Hayley, whom still doesn't know that Danielle was kidnapped.

"I'm done listening to you." Hayley said, walking away from the man. "Let me know when you wanna have a real conversation."

But before she could actually leave his line of sight, Klaus grabbed her to stop and called her name in warning. "I am not gonna stand here quietly while you tell me what I can and cannot do to protect my daughter."

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