𝟷.𝟷𝟸: 𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎 (16)

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-Narrator's perspective-

All night has been hell for the hybrid female who couldn't get Davina's dying figure out of her head. She sat on the edge of her bed, a bottle of alcohol on her hand while she, at some times, brought it over to her lips. Taking in the warm drink in her system.

Days passed and she still couldn't seem to grab herself together. Marcel even visited her in the middle of the night, both lead to getting drunk until they passed out.

To spend her time, well, not exactly seeing as she was only staring at a blank wall the entire night. She didn't turn around when her door open, knowing it was Elijah who entered her room.

"Saraphina." Elijah called, standing on his feet while looking at his sister's back that was faced to him.

"What is it, brother?" She asked, standing up and putting away the half empty bottle on the ground, under her bed. Danielle looked to her brother in question. "Well?" She asked when Elijah was silent.

"It has been days since you left your room." He appointed, figure leaning on an archway to face Danielle who nodded.

"I'm well aware." Danielle said, walking around her bed and walked to the balcony. She pushed open the doors to get fresh air. "Is there any other reasons why you came here?" She questioned while looking down the streets.

Elijah pursued his lips, explaining what happened in the cauldron and the symbol he saw. The sacrificial magic that was lingering in the witches den that was used against a few vampires.

Whem he was done, Danielle was silent and took the information as just.

"Okay." She exhaled, not really faze. "Is that all? I need to sleep." Danielle informed and saw how Elijah narrowed his eyes at her.

"Is there any reason why you have not slept for multiple days and joined Marcel in his excuse to sorrow?" He asked.

Danielle hummed, stepping down. "I could think of a few. Now, if you won't mind I'm going to catch up on my sleep." She said, sitting down on her bed and waved her hand to gesture that Elijah leave.

"Very well." He said in a giving up tone. "I'll call you when I need help." Elijah gave her one last look and she just nodded boredly.

When the door closed, Danielle was leaning on her headboard while she stared on nothing. Her eyes perked up, hearing talking just outside her doors.

"Nothing?" The familiar voice of Hayley asked in a hushed whisper.

"No, Nothing." Elijah repeated in confirmation.

Upon hearing one person left, Danielle knew it was Hayley who stayed behind her door. She snapped out of her thoughts, wanting to just sleep peacefully before another disaster struck.

"I thought you were asleep."

Danielle turned around, having her head tilted sidewards while she used a towel to dry her hair thoroughly. She instantly felt better on seeing Hayley by her door.

"I was." She said, studying Hayley for a second before inhaling. "What's the matter?"

"Some copy cat witch got to Rebekah." Hayley informed, still a little breathless over seeing a newly showered and dressed Danielle. "Elijah is on his way there and he told me to come get you."

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