𝟸.𝟾: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚘𝚝 (47)

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-Narrator's perspective-

"Just in time, my savior." Kol breathed out, looking up to the youngest vampire who looked a tad disappointed to see the girl here. "You heard her, leave. I want a moment alone with my sister."

By his demand, Marcel looked over the brunette who nodded at him. He exhaled in a grunt, placing the knife on the table besides him before leaving the room. By his disappearance, Danielle turned back to her brother and took the shackles off.

"You'd trust me not to run?" He asked a little surprised, rubbing his wrists that was bruised from the cuffs. "What would Nik say?"

"You're my brother and I don't really care what Niklaus will do." She said and pulled her brother for a hug, him returning the gesture eagerly. "Please tell me you're atleast considering about ditching mothet dearest." She hoped and pulled back.

"You already had me since the moment you walked in the ballroom." Kol said wholeheartedly. "Besides, who doesn't love an old fashioned turn away."

Nodding, Danielle smiled and sat down in front of her brother who settled down on the chair he was tied up earlier. "What have I heard about you wooing Davina Claire?" She asked and could practically heard the witch in front of her laugh.

"Mother wanted me to steal the white oak stake from her." He explained and already felt an incoming banter from Danielle so he spoke further. "Don't worry, I have good intentions for her. Might even think I like her."

"Are you kidding?" She asked and Kol lets out a sheepish smile at her. "Well, goodluck. I don't even think she likes us Mikaelsons."

"Oh, she doesn't. I just have good charms effect on people." Kol boasted and it made Danielle roll her eyes of his comment. "Davina told me that you are less vicious than our brothers."

"Have you met Nik? He would kill anyone who would go against him and Davina is a main example of that." Danielle joked- well, not joked since it was a literal fact.

"I also saw a little pendant around her pretty little neck. I might be going crazy but I think I gave it to you centuries ago." He hinted and the girl thought about it and got the memo.

The female Mikaelson leaned back on the chair and explained why she gave the pendant to the witch. It was the Fete des Benedictions and she needed an offering for the girl so she handed her one of Danielle's closest thing to Kol. It was the right thing to do at the time for her.

In the longest while, Danielle missed the simple normalcy between her and her brother who was once dead. She wanted to abuse the little time they have and was thankful that Kol was on their side. Against their mother, she would want him to be allies, not enemies at this war.

For once, a genuine smile was plastered on her face. She missed talking with Kol- She yearned for the time where he was still an original. There were moments where things were simpler even if they had major problems over sibling rivalry. With Niklaus daggering Kol over and over again, Kol never blamed his sister for standing idly by and let it all happen. He understood that she has to because who knows what Klaus would do to her if she were to undagger him without his approval or agreement.

There was no doubt that Kol trusted and loves his slightly older sister. Truth be told, she's his favourite sibling out of all of them. But it's not like he'll let Danielle feel satisfaction of it all. He was too stubborn that way.

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