𝟹.𝟹: 𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚂𝚎𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙸𝚗 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝙾𝚛 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙾𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 (72)

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-Narrator's perspective-

While the pleasant sounds of people chattering in the background was heard from where Danielle were, she grew fear of someone might find her lurking in the shadows. Even when she was turned into a beast, as people in the village would say, it was clear to anyone with a sharp eye that she was afraid. Afraid to be caught like she's been doing something that she shouldn't be doing. Committing a far cry of crime, illegality, choose your poison. In the end, there was nothing mentally wrong with her and if someone were to fight her on that, she would kill them in a heartbeat.

But even then, she was too overwhelmed with the burden of guilt to kill anyone. Ofcourse it didn't stop Elijah from forcing her to feed to stay alive. In truth, every human he shoves in her way was another tormenting guilt for Danielle to have taken an innocent life. Elijah couldn't handle seeing his baby sister starve in order for her to refrain from killing a life. It was mid A.D's and the start of their naive and young immortal lives.

While she was anxiously waiting for Estella's arrival, she fondled with the starling necklace around her neck. She couldn't bring herself to be rid of the one thing that her mother made for her. Excluding the blue pendant where she carry in her pocket for no one to steal. But this one, the one she was wearing, she dreaded for it to be destroyed so she wouldn't be reminded of the horrors of her Mother's screams until she passed. The Mikaelson was there when Niklaus killed Esther. Being half werewolf was the main reason why she wanted her Mother dead. It was because she kept from her the truth about her real father.

"Danielle." A voice whispered loudly at her. That was when the immortal being turned her head to see Estella in a dark chamber, gesturing for her to come.

The original looked at the seeping bright archway entrance before she quietly followed the woman inside the dark room. "Estella." She whispered but the girl was lost by how dark the room was. "Estella, I am not one to be played with childish games." She called out as a playful warning.

But when she felt two small hands tug on the collar of her dress and was pulled to a much more darker corner, she couldn't help but gasped in surprise. "I found you." Even with no light shining on them, Danielle knew the girl was smiling from ear to ear.

"You are playing a dangerous critic, love." She managed to whisper out, chuckling once that Danielle walked more closed to her until Estella's back made contact on the cold walls. "I can hear your heart beat faster from where I stood."

"Only because you I can see your royalty blue eyes." Estella breathed out, bringing her hand up to the girl's warm cheek. "Despite the darkness, I can see it very clearly."

"Do you wish to know what I also see?" Danielle asked, placing her hand on the wall besides the human's head. Once that the girl nodded, having nothing to say when their faces were inches away, she continued. "I see a beautiful woman who has me wrapped around her finger. You will be my greatest weakness, my love." She whispered, eyes piercing very sharply on the brown ones.

By her words, Estella smiled as the redness on her cheeks deepened its color further.

"You told us nothing happened between the both of you." Klaus exclaimed in slight shock, looking over his sister who was already losing her mind over knowing that Estella was alive. Besides him was Elijah who listened to the story and silently agreed with him.

"Yes, because her wish is to take our secret by the grave and the time I know that she is very much alive, I assume she wouldn't mind me telling you both." Danielle explained smoothly while she brought the glass of bourbon up to her lips to drink. At this point, she would die of alcohol poisoning by the amount of it she drank. "Though I still don't know who managed to let her drink vampire blood."

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