𝟷.𝟷𝟺: 𝙻𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚆𝚊𝚢 𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕 (19)

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-Narrator's perspective-

"So, this is your great betrayal? My sister and Marcel, they've been sneaking behind my back for the better part of two centuries." Klaus asked and said. Already knowing this story as much as Danielle too.

"Yes. Against all your warnings. You'd disciplined them for it, before, had you not? Harshly, I understand." She said the last one to Danielle who was silent the entire time, not really caring about her sister and Marcel canoodling behind Nik's back.

"I have my reasons." He defended offensively.

"Oh, you don't have to convince me. As far as I'm concerned, you only needed one. That it suited you. Have you ever read the Old Testament, Nik, Danielle? You see... God wasn't powerful because he was right. He was right because he was powerful."

Klaus lets out an amused chuckle. "I don't know what you're playing at. But if the sum total of your plan to turn me against my sister was this revelation, this will have been a wholly ineffective endeavor."

"You poor thing. After a thousand years, dishonesty from your family has come to be expected. I wish that was the sum total of their treachery." Her smile faltered and turned serious. "Unfortunately, it's not."

The reason why Danielle couldn't snap Genevieve's neck is because Klaus told her not to, wanting answers from the resurrected witch before they escape this abandoned hospital.

In Rebekah's perspective, she panted heavily and gasped seeing Genevieve walk to her. "Rough day? Oh, Beks. Those bites are looking nasty." She teased with no emotion while having both of her hands behind her back.

"Why make me relive the past? We both know how it ends." Rebekah said, limping towards her and still weak from the werewolf toxin in her system.

"You and I both know. But I thought you brother and sister might like to hear our story." She added and it made Rebekah's heart drop and gasped. "So I linked your mind to theirs. You're gonna show them everything."

"No. No, please, don't do that to me, I'll do anything." The original pleaded, eyes were covered with unshed tears.

"It's too late, friend."

Just as Rebekah was about to pounce her, Genevieve held her hand up to her making the vampire held her head and yelled in pain. She dropped to the floor and sobbed of both the pain and fear of her secret about to reveal. The original passed out just seconds of it all in exhaustion.

"Elijah. Elijah she's gone." Hayley informed through the phone, pacing back 'n forth inside Danielle's room. "Danielle. A witch knocked me out and took her."

"What? Are you okay?" He asked in concern, stopping in his tracks just as he was about to reach the Nightwalkers den to threaten a human.

"Yes- Yes, I'm fine. But Danielle... I don't know who took her, Elijah." She said in pure concern and worry for the original hybrid that could be tortured by now for all she knows.

Elijah gritted his teeth and lets out a deep exhale to leave his lips. "Stay in the compound. It's safer for you."

"But what about Dani?" Hayley asked, biting her nails in stress.

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