𝟸.𝟿: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚙 𝙾𝚏 𝙼𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 (48)

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-Danielle's perspective-

Throughout the years of my immortal life, I've never loved any of my parents. Even more so on my biological father because I always thought that he wouldn't want to have kids like me. Like a killer, a murderer, and a bloodsucking vampire. There are only my siblings who I relied on to my support but they can also be too much. 4 siblings who I've lived years with and 1 who wants to kill me. How ironic is that?

There was Rebekah, my little sister, who has been a huge impact in myself. She doesn't need to know that and I won't give her the need to shove it in our brother's faces. There are moments where she can be a pain but... we are family. If anyone would to bring me back from my own wallowing state, it's her. But we can't be too sure since the last thing she's done is almost desiccate me besides our brother. Because she wanted to be with Marcellus than honor out vow of Always and Forever. It's all in the past and I've forgiven her long before that.

And there was Kol. The youngest boy in our crazed and lunacy family. He's misunderstood by a lot and the only one he could trust was me. I revoked it when I couldn't protect him from his demise. I've made tons of large mistakes and letting Nik dagger him was a main one. At the time, Kol and Rebekah would always be the one who would team up to take him down. Sometimes it's always individually since one is in a coffin with a blade in their heart. But when they were both up, the two has every good reason to want him gone so bad.

Then Elijah. Always the noble one and peacemaker out of our siblings. Unlike the youngest, He was not likely to be daggered since he always stuck by Nik. Only one person gets to call me by my second name and it was him. I honestly don't recall when he started calling me that but I just knew. If anyone could talk some sense into our psychopath brother, it's him and me. Always teaming up to make sure he won't do anything rash but over times, I would go ahead and go along with Nik's vicious ways. It's always more fun anyways.

Ofcourse, who wouldn't forget the big bad wolf himself? There was no words how much respect I have for my brother. In fact, I don't need to explain myself why I always have to be on his side. The only ones who can understand our undeniable rage was each other. Even if sometimes he has done many unforgivable things, I always manage to give in and reconcile with him.

But the very thing I couldn't understand was why he needed to kill Ansel. A main reason was of his need to protect his daughter sure but Ansel gave him the chance to get inside his head. Nik and I would have a father right now. Hope would have a grandfather who would protect and love her.


A voice snapped my head back to reality and I inhaled softly, looking up to my brother. "I'm sorry?" I asked in confusion.

"Have you spoken to our brother?" He asks me in genuine tone. It's like he wants to know so badly.

"I will when he comes here." I said as such and handed my niece a toy rattle. She was currently in the crib and sitting up, babbling words making my heart warm up. "It baffles me how adorable this niece of ours is." I cooed and Hope continued to stuff her mouth on the toy I gave her.

"Right?" Rebekah said and stepped down the stairs to joined us in the living room. "I think she got it from me." She said in full boast making me roll my eyes and got a glimpse of Elijah doing so as well.

There was a second of silence until Rebekah spoke up again, "Or maybe from Hayley. Wouldn't you agree, sister?" She asked.

"Want to go outside?" I asked and picked up Hope, completely ignoring my blonde sister who was grinning from ear to ear. "Your aunt is not being funny."

"I was planning on going out anyways!" Rebekah yelled and I heard her order Elijah to bring the cradle with them.

Upon the both of us exiting the house, I sat down on the edge of the stairs and let little Hope stand on my lap. She lets out a reluctant giggle while messing with my hair- which I don't entirely have anything against of.

While I was playing with Hope, I could see from the corner of my eyes on how Rebekah and Elijah smiled genuinely to see us. I really didn't need to call them out. Too busy entertaining our little niece is a hard mission.

But I did look up to see Rebekah gathering wood on the grass. "Look." I whispered and made Hope look at her aunt. "Your Aunt Bex is rekindling a lost tradition."

"Is that was we think it is?" Elijah asked in amusement, whom of which sat besides me the entire time.

"It's bonfire season, and I am reviving a family tradition. Especially since we're all going to be together." She explained in a sheepish smile while walking towards us.

"Because we are hiding from your crazy grandparents." I said, holding Hope up who looked like she was enjoying the fresh breeze in the air. "It's another Mikaelson tradition."

"It's a peculiar thing. Never to be tired, yet forever exhausted by the sameness of things." Elijah added when I stood up, playing with Hope's little fingers while showing her to Rebekah who did the same. "Why is our family always at war?"

A question I will forever ask. "It's a Mikaelson thing." I whispered, tilting my head downwards to get a good look of the little bundle of joy.

"Being away with her made me see things differently. We're not so bad. Not the monsters that our parents think we are." Rebekah added as well and planted a small kiss on her small hands.

It made both me and Elijah smile to hear the baby babble happily. A car approached the house and we looked up, seeing Niklaus on the driver's seat with an anticipating Hayley on the passanger's. It didn't took long until the car parked and Hayley jumped off, running fastly to our direction.

Both of my siblings made small room for Hayley to see her daughter. I looked down at Hope once more before seeing how her mother slowed down, clearly speechless to see the baby in my arms. I cracked up a genuine smile before stepping forward, giving her a gesture to get Hope from me because who knows what I would do if she stays with me any longer. I would have to keep her all to myself then.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Nik stop in his tracks to see his daughter who is probably oblivious of what's happening. Hayley walked closer to me and carefully lifted Hope from my hands. "Hi..." She whispered and hugged the little girl with so much love.

In seeing Hayley so relief made my heart complete. I knew how much she wanted to hold her daughter for months now. Just seeing how that wish became true, melts my heart into oblivion I might just past out. The Brunette hybrid looked up to me and I looked down in a small smile.

For a long shot, Hayley turned around and saw how Klaus was patiently waiting for his turn. There was no doubt that she gave him their daughter, carefully and staying close for much needed warmth of the little girl. At first, I saw how Niklaus looked hesitant but held his happiness with much love. The two parent's looked at us and smiled widely.

I didn't even felt Rebekah's hand that was on my shoulder until I did now. I held it back in gesture while feeling more at peace today. There was no words how much I've yearned for this day to happen. Hearing Hayley laugh softly and my brother plant a kiss on their daughter's head, it was all too perfect.

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