𝟷.𝟷𝟽: 𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝙱𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚋𝚘𝚗 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚝 (25)

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-Narrator's perspective-

"I'm impressed, Brother." Klaus said, the three Mikaelsons were on one floor above the party. A glass of champagne on their hands whilst they talk among themselves.

"Yes, now if I can just keep them from tearing one wnother to shreds." He replied, looking down to the party which is fully alive.

"Then for your sake, here's to a spectacularly boring evening." He raised his glass in the middle of them. Both Elijah and Danielle clank theirs together with their brothers' and drank.

Danielle cleared her throat before taking a sip, her arms crossed as she did so. She leaned on the ledge with only Elijah besides her, seeing as their hybrid brother left them alone.

"I sense a fight brewing, Elijah." She pointed out boredly, pointing down from where Diego is. Who is manning up to the alpha of the werewolf clan.

She heard Elijah mumble something and left her to be alone. She shrugged and sipped a bunch of her beverage before setting it aside and walked down the stairs.

With Danielle walking around, she saw Hayley step inside the party. She looked at her way for more than she expected and when the werewolf noticed eyes on her, the two's gaze met once again.

For over the weeks without Hayley was hell for both of them. Moreover Danielle who reluctantly looked away and grabbed a glass of champagne on a waiter that was walking around. She turned to Hayley one more time before fully walking on a stand-in table.

Alone yet, once again, Danielle was tapping her fingers on the surface while she took a sip of her beverage every now and then. Most of the people in the room was gawking at her, moreover the wolves who can't seem to pry their eyes off her but it's not like Danielle cared enough to notice.

To much of her dismay in wanting to be alone, someone walked to her and she turned to look who it was and it was Davina.

"Davina, welcome." She greeted in a polite tone. Other than anyone else in here, Davina is the only one she tolerates.

"Everything's so... formal." Davina exhaled, looking around the room after getting away with her coven.

"Never been to a dance before?" The Mikaelson asked in a frown. As she got her answer in silence she nodded. "It's not always cocktails and dancing. Why aren't you with your coven? I thought you were friends with Monique Deveraux, was it?" She asked in uncertainty.

Davina groaned, "Don't remind me. She's been a total bitch ever since I came back."

"That so? Lucky for you, I don't tolerate bullying in this city." She said which made Davina laugh.

"You also don't like hurting kids." The witch pointed out and Danielle hummed, drinking her champagne before answering

"I make exceptions." Danielle pointed out in a suggestive tone.

"Can you make exceptions for me?"

Danielle turned around and saw Hayley with a pleading look. The hybrid even barely heard that Davina told her she needed to be alone when in fact, the witch noticed the undeniable tension between the two women.

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