𝟺.𝟺: 𝙺𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙾𝚏 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎 (𝟷𝟷𝟶)

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-Narrator's perspective-

When they had left the safe house, under Marcel's granted permission they could go back to New Orleans to help Hope, Audelia stayed behind when she caught Freya working on a secret project with Keelin. Now, the idea of forging a weapon against Marcel Gerard was interesting now that she got herself involved with Elijah Mikaelson. The time before Elijah left with his siblings, the two shared a moment. Even though they had met, they weren't blind to have not notice the tension rising between them.

They were a hundred years old- they weren't kids anymore to ignore that feeling. Even though there was no intimacy or physical contact, Elijah made himself clear that he would come back to her for a talk. Ofcourse, Audelia didn't want to be involved with the Mikaelsons but she already did years ago when she met Hayley, helping her find cures for all of them.

You see, Audelia didn't know why she helped. Maybe because she saw the filled determination on Hayley's eyes to help her family. Audelia was once in Hayley's place. Desperate to save her loved one's but she failed a hundred years ago. She knows the feeling of missing your family and didn't want for Hayley to experience that loss too. She understood. And she stayed even though the job was done. Why? Well, someone was keeping her there and it certainly is Elijah Mikaelson.

Back in the Church, Vincent had an idea to do something while the Mikaelsons were watching his every move and what he's going to do. He opened a jar of ashes, ideally something not to talk around mortal people. "And who might this be?" Elijah questioned.

"These are the ashes of a witch that lost his way and it might just be the key to helping us find ours. This thing, um, the Hollow... its magic has a very unique signature. I felt it on this witch the other day when Marcel and I took him out, so if I can trace that energy back to its source..." Vincent explained thorougly to them, trailing off as they got his point.

"You can locate the rest of these fanatics." Danielle finishes, hands inside her coat pocket while she calmly waited.

"That's right." He confirms and continued to do his witch spell by messing with the ashes.

"So this thing which haunts my niece..." Elijah started, talking about the Hollow. "Has it spoken to you?"

"It's more like, um, a broadcast. And I was able to shut it out, but a lot of people have a harder time doing that." Vincent explained.

"Like Eva Sinclair." said Danielle, remembering the crazed woman who abducted Davina and more children to gain more power for herself.

Vincent hadn't heard that name in a long time which took him aback, "You know, there's a difference between what we project and what we have inside of our hearts, what we try to hide inside of our hearts, right? Now that thing, it took everything that's dark and twisted inside of me and it used it against me. It used it against my wife and it ended up taking everything that I've ever loved away from me."

"So, then, you have every reason to want to remove it from this earth." Elijah concludes.

"Yeah. But let's say that we run into that thing today, Elijah. It's gonna take everything that you want to keep burried, it's going to use that and make you do exactly what it wants you to do. And that's what makes you a liability to the very niece we're all trying to protect." He bluntly said, preferably warning the siblings who took note of every word.

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