𝟺.𝟷𝟸: 𝚅𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚘 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍 (𝟷𝟸𝟹)

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-Narrator's perspective-

It was time for the Mikaelsons to leave the city of New Orleans for good. Now that they defeated the Hollow, Marcel was more than happy to watch them depart from the city they called home. The war they've been in for the past few weeks was horrific but it didn't give Marcel the confidence to forgive every single member of that family. All he could think about was Elijah killing him on that bridge.

Meanwhile, Danielle had done a little more thinking than usual. She couldn't picture herself staying where she wasn't wanted. Or maybe, that's what she thinks because her siblings wants her around everywhere. But all she could think about was Hayley and what she thinks. Danielle wanted to take a break from
all the family drama- wanting to be on her own again. Just like how she was when before
Elijah called her that night. Before all of this happened.

Her thoughts got cut short when Elijah slammed all the books on his table towards the wall aggressively, just in time for Klaus to come in. Danielle closes the book she was holding, placing it on the shelf. "We should be celebrating your return, brother."

"That's what I told him but he wouldn't listen." Danielle exhales, gesturing to the clattered books on the ground when she joined her brothers.

"Perhaps later." The Original mumbles, still fixated on making things right with Audelia. All he could see was himself strangling her in his own mind, going back to old habits and being a murderous vampire. He couldn't shake it off. Elijah wondered how his sister, Danielle, could talk normally and look fine when it has also happened to her with Hayley.

"Audelia's still not talking to you, then." Klaus guessed and their brother shakes his head once. "Give her time, she'll come around." He said gently, preferably talking to him and to his hybrid sister who didn't acknowledge his words to heart and ignored it.

"Will she?" He asks and Klaus could no longer repeat it when Rebekah found them in the study, in a serious moment.

Reason why she barged in anyways. "Alright, can we please put a moratorium on all of this sulking? It's a lovely day, the Hollow is dead and my brother is back." She said happily with a smile, forcing Elijah to hold her hand back. "Much to the joy of custom suit tailors everywhere not to mention me. I have to admit, I've missed the Quarter. I'm gonna make you take me out to hear some jazz."

"Might I suggest you enjoy the charms of the city while you still can. Marcel will want us gone posthaste, as per our agreement." Klaus said, reminding them before they get too happy.

"Or perhaps he's changed his mind and he will grant us a reprieve." Rebekah suggests, putting a little mood up to their sibling's dull faces. She had to admit, she wanted to stay here in the city with Marcel himself. Not just her brothers and sisters.

"I seriously doubt it, 'Bekah." Danielle spoke, Elijah and Klaus agreed with her.

"We're going to meet with him to discuss the terms of our departure." Elijah stands, squinting his eyes a little to Danielle who avoided anyone's gaze the moment he said 'our.'

"I suspect he simply needs to be asked nicely." The blonde sister said and none of her siblings came to argue with her anymore and it made her smile. "You really should leave these matters with me."

"She'll fail." said Danielle when Rebekah was gone, not super optimistic about staying here in New Orleans. Klaus exhales, saying a 'we know' before they went back to discussing Elijah's situation with Audelia. And the older brother would love nothing more than to snap his own neck.

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