𝟷.𝟷𝟶: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚝 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕𝚜 (13)

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-Narrator's perspective-

"Hayley, when I told you I was accompanying you to this... ridiculous fitting, I didn't expect that I'm talking to you with a wall between us." Danielle complained, walked left and right with a door slightly opened for the both of them to talk.

Hayley softly chuckled, looking at her reflection on the mirror in front of her with the dress held up on her body to check if it's fitting for her.

"You'll just have to deal with the wall." She replied back, undressing herself enough to just try on the dress.

The werewolf slipped in the white dress she picked out, which fitted her perfectly. Only problem was, she couldn't reach the zipper behind her back.

"You okay in there? You're awfully quiet." The girl from the other side of the wall asked. Mostly she was bored and decided to talk to the werewolf since she dragged her there in the first place.

"Yeah I'm just..." Hayley trailed off, turning her side to get a look on her back, trying to reach the zipper. "I can't reach the zipper." She informed, still fixated on reaching it.

Danielle smiled softly of how she sounded so frustrated. "Do you need help?" She didn't even know the words just left her lips when it just did.

"Yeah that'd be great."

Hesitating, Danielle held the doorknob and pulled it open. Her eyes landed to Hayley who gave up on reaching the back zipper of her dress. She softly laughed of how done the girl looked while going towards her.

The laugh made Hayley tense up, not expecting to talk to Danielle's good side today.

"If you want to go to the casket girls, you should just ask, you know." Danielle said lowly, they were both close enough to hear their breathings.

The hybrid brought her hand up, grabbing the zipper up and the rim of her knuckles grazing on Hayley's skin making them both stop talking. Goosebumps rose above Hayley's skin, all tensed up which Danielle noticed.

"I don't think your ass of a brother would want me wandering around in the middle of town." She remarked, finally gathering the strength to talk properly.

"I can handle my older brother." Danielle replied, stepped back to make sure what happened last time won't happen again. Or ever. "You deserve to have fun every once a while. Not be stuck as a prisoner in the compound." She squinted her eyes down at the birthmark on Hayley's back shoulder.

That was when Hayley noticed. "I know, I know, keep the freaky werewolf birthmark covered." She said, pulling up the dress as it was covered again.

"Still, nobody would even get close to you. Everyone knows that you're under the protection of my siblings. Besides, you already tolerate me so I think you're okay." She spoke, looking at Hayley through the reflection of the mirror.

"All knocked up and nowhere to go." Hayley half-joked, turning left and right to check her dress, distracting herself on not to fall into the orbits of Danielle's light blue eyes.

Danielle smiled, walking around until she reached besides the mirror and looked at Hayley. "I'm serious. If you want to attend the festival tonight, all you have to do is ask." She suggested. "I'll even get Elijah if you can't handle my presence anymore."

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