𝟷.𝟸𝟶: 𝙰 𝙲𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚛 𝚆𝚊𝚕𝚔 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚎 (30)

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-Narrator's perspective-

In the midst of all this mishap, Danielle and Elijah were taking their peaceful night on a small balcony. They were leaning on each sides of the archway while the cooly breeze hit their faces every once in a while.

"When you dreamt of father, what did he do?" Finally breaking the comfortable silence, Elijah asked without taking his eyes off the streets beneath them.

It was quiet, night, starry lights shining in the sky, The moon giving them the proper amount of light.

"If I tell you, Can I trust you won't say a thing?" She asked seriously, looking to his way and Elijah nodded. Before starting, Danielle sighed in remembrance of the dreams she's been having lately. "It was the same dream repeating over and over again. Mikael showing out of no where and stabbing me with the white oak. Before that, he killed Hayley. Right in front of me."

To the new and shocking information of his sister having reoccurring nightmares, he looked at her in an apologetic way. Danielle shook her head, gestured for him not to talk anymore and that was what he did.

They stayed quiet the entire time again. With Danielle seeing flashes of the werewolf dying, and with Elijah wondering if he should advice his little sister to accept defeat and give in to what she was feeling deep inside her.

It was not Elijah's place to tell the hybrid to go after Hayley. In fact, he was just grateful that she confided in him. Trust and loved him just as much to say that she has been having the kinds of nightmares that would kill you in pain of it all.

In their own weird ways, Danielle knew that her brother was feeling sorry for her. She didn't mind it and they just stood by each other in silence.

Until Genevieve walked in seeing the hybrid and original looking outside. They didn't even need to look to see who it was.

"Genevieve." Elijah simply said and they turned around to meet her figure.

"I asked around. It's not just your father. The purgatory, where supernatural souls are trapped, is disintegrating." She informed truthful.

"What do you mean, 'disintegrating'?" Elijah questioned for both of their sakes on knowing what it meant.

"She's right, more or less." Klaus walked in and joined in on the conversation. "It's actually imploding. I made a call to a rather reluctant Bennett witch in Mystic Falls, who said the same thing. The dead are being torn away into nothingness. And they're not interested in going quietly."

With it said, Danielle could only think about one certain person who mattered most to her. She looked down on her hand and the ring on her finger shined in her eyes. Kol.

"So you're saying that our father, faced with permanent extinction, has decided to spend his remaining time tormenting us. How delightful." Elijah snarked.

"Well, on the plus side, we'll soon be rid of his abhorrent soul forever. And what a good riddance that will be." Klaus glanced to his sister who was looking down. "Why so glum, sister? This is good news." He said and she shook her head.

"You're forgetting of one person who is in that purgatory." She reminded and walked past him in furious, slamming the door behind her as she did so.

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