𝟸.𝟾: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚘𝚝 (46)

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-Narrator's perspective-

In her own ways to cope, Danielle walked in the middle of the compound while she fixed the collar of her sleeves. She didn't need to come home the night her father died. Too determined to kill her brother who caused her suffering.

For the rest of the night, she had help from Jackson who did the proper farewell for werewolves. She was thankful but it's not like she will say it aloud to him. They had a whole boat thing and Ansel's body got pushed in the lake with the boat on fire. Danielle didn't mention that it was her father who they just said goodbye too. But it's not like Jackson didn't know. He knew and he didn't said a word to give her some peace and clarity. But what ridiculed him was why she was too affected by Ansel's death. It was her brother who killed him and why was she so emotional about it?

As her presence was made known in the Mikaelson compound, both Elijah and Klaus snapped their necks to her direction. The Hybrid looked at his sister in full guilt.

"Saraphina." Elijah called, loosening his grip on the handkerchief he placed on the corner of his lips. After the brunch he had with his brothers, it didn't end well. It actually ended with him biting Finn's neck out of anger.

By the call of her name, Danielle turned around and saw her brothers under the shade. She nodded once, too uncomfortable with Klaus being there. But it didn't stop her from hugging Elijah who did the same as well affectionately.

"I'm glad to see you're up on your feet." She exhaled and stepped back, not meeting the gaze of her hybrid brother. "I was beginning to think you were better off asleep." She lightly joked.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm." Elijah fired back and Danielle frowned when she saw the blood on his lips. "A little mishap on breakfast." He explained, brushing it off right away.

"The breakfast you've missed with our resurrected brothers." Klaus added as a matter of fact.

"I'm sorry, I was too busy wallowing in my own tears for our dead father." She said and could partly see how Elijah looked at the two of them. "You know, the one you've killed."

Her words struck a nerve when Klaus looked down in guilt. He didn't had the strength to meet the cold gaze of his sister who had no regrets on saying all those.

Before the older one out of the three could even talk their ear in, Elijah's phone rang in his pocket making him answer it with no hesitation.

"It's me. I have the baby and we're on the run. Esther found us." Rebekah started and the hybrids was listening intently and walked closer to their brother. "We're safe for now. I've lost her bloody starlings, but I have no idea where to go."

"Tell her to head west. I'll call Hayley." The Male Hybrid informed but the other girl on the line heard it perfectly.

"Do not tell Hayley. Esther's too smart for that. The only advantage we have is that she thinks the baby died. Text me with plans."

It was then that the call ended and Elijah looked at his brother. "Go. I'll take care of Kol and Finn."

"Splendid. In your hands, I assume they'll be dead by nightfall." He snarked sarcastically making Danielle confused.

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