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-Narrator's perspective-

"Well bloody find her! Do a locator spell now and god forbid that the Strix hasn't gotten their hands on Danielle because of your incompetence!" Klaus yelled, pointing his finger around Hayley who had to inhale to calm herself down.

"This is not her fault." Elijah said before things gets hasty between Hayley and Klaus, again. The noble original held his journal up, showing it to them. "I found it misplaced in the shelf."

"No doubt Dani will be madly confused by now. All the more reason to scour the city of her." Klaus announced and turned his head towards Freya who looked like she was frustratedly looking over the map. "Well, where is she?"

Freya shook her head, "I cloaked her the minute we brought her back. I can't find her." She exhausted, clasping her face with one hand. "If I'm even going to de-cloak her, I would need her here."

In the next hour began how Hayley and Klaus began to unravel hell to each other about who's fault it is while Elijah tried his best to seperate them.

"You snuck out the Compound, called me to meet you here and for what?" Davina questions, looking around in case someone might be here. "What's wrong?"

They were in the cemetery prior Danielle's request. The Mikaelson was antic, nervous and possibly feeling rage and all the emotions were piled up together making her impulsive. Leaving wasn't her first instinct when she read that she massacred a bunch of people centuries ago by Elijah's journals. In fact, she forgot why she ran but Davina'd question pulled her back to reality.

"I found out Klaus and Elijah aren't telling me the whole story on why I don't remember." She said sadly, eyes filled with emotion that even Davina has never seen before. "I found journal in Elijah's room. Read it and they didn't tell me who Estella is. I had to know through a parchment."

"They lied to you?" The witch asked in a surprised tone. Honestly, she is shocked that the Mikaelsons hasn't told Danielle on how she became immortal, how she died and so on, and so forth.

"I guess." Danielle muttered, exhaling deeply and recalling an entry in one of Elijah's journal. "Also, I'm not particularly a delicate flower but do they had to hide the fact Hayley married someone?" By saying it, her heart ached a bit which she had no idea why it did.

"Lying is your family's specialty. Except you and Kol. He's the good one. Your brother." She said, getting carried away by recalling hers and Kol's last conversation. "What do you want me to do? Because I can only be gone for a while or else the Strix might think something's up."

"They completely left me in the shadow, haven't they?" The hybrid muttered, not knowing who the hell was the Strix. "Even her." She said, gesturing to Hayley who was panicking back in the Abattoir with the rest of the Mikaelsons.

Davina sighed, "The Strix are part of your sireline. Or... was. You like turned them into vampires centuries ago. If you die, they die too."

"But I did die- how come they're looking for me?" She asked, looking around when something shifted from the shadows. By their setting, even Davina was getting paranoid on who might be listening.

"It's a long story- I have to tell you but not here. Someone might be listening." Davina grabbed her wrist, about to leave.

"Wait, Davina." Danielle called, stopping in her tracks which made the witch turn to her in question. "I didn't sneak out under Klaus's nose for you to tell me the whole story. I want you to make me remember what I know."

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