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-Narrator's perspective-

Due to the amount of desperation the Mikaelsons (including Hayley) have, they have been counting down the hours which has passes since Danielle died. Overall, 10 dreadful hours. When Freya regained her strength back, she wasted no more time to get their sister back. Before she did that, she needed to make sure that Danielle was in the pendant and she was... technically, she is.

"You're not sure- what do you mean you're not sure?!" Klaus yelled in frustration, almost urging himself to throw something against the wall out of his anger. "I didn't just sit around for 10 hours for nothing, Freya."

"I'm saying, is that I need to be sure. If you want me to bring our sister back, I'd have to transfer her soul to the other pendant. Hers." She pointed at the table where Danielle had given her it months ago.

"You just said she's unstable." Elijah pointed out. "Why not just bring her back like what you did to Finn?"

"No, It's more complicated than that-"

"-What could be more complicated than My sister dying and I couldn't do a single damn thing to save her!" Klaus interrupted, shouting like a mad man that he is.

"She's my sister too!" Freya frustratingly said, rising her voice in rage. "You can't bring her back to life but I can. Get the hell out and let me save our sister." She slammed her hands on the table in front of her, looking down on the two blue pendants resting there.

Hayley shuddered, clasping her face between the palm of her hands while her daughter was playing on the floor in front of her. She has been listening in on the argument and it wasn't helping her with her unstable emotions. Atleast being with Hope mended her fragile heart by a minimum.

When Hope babbled, shaking Hayley's finger which caught her attention. "Hey, you." The mother cooed, wiping a tear away and forced a smile when she got back to her senses. Hope's head was hung low, twisting and fidgeting a ring on her finger. The action made her drop her smile, looking down on the shiny gold circle resting on her. "Yeah, I miss her too." She mumbled, planting a small kiss on the top of Hope's head.

It may or may not be the one of many things that Danielle has given her. When Hayley got married with Jackson, she never wore it again until now. It was a birthday gift that Dani gave her when she was just settling to the fact she was an immortal now. They weren't as close as they are today, so it wasn't such a big deal for them at the time. Now, it's the only thing Hayley was thinking about.

The one gift that she received from the person she loved the most, had the possibility of disappearing on the face of the earth forever.

[2.2: Alive and Kicking (38)]
With Hayley laying on a bathtub and by the door was another woman, brutally dead. "Come to check up on me?" She asked, not looking on who just walked in.

"Fun day?" Danielle asked, not going in further in the bathroom for her privacy.

"I was having a crappy day... so Klaus took me to the Cauldron. We ran into some witches." She replied and saw a slight annoyed look on the Mikaelson's face.

"Fantastic. Does it kill you clean up?" The original asked, stepping in the room and walked past the dead girl. But once she did Hayley, out of nowhere, stood up with no clothes on. Danielle didn't look anywhere but her eyes and took the towel on the nearby chair, handing it to the naked woman in anger of her behavior.

Last flame | Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now