𝟸.𝟷𝟿: 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚎 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚜 (63)

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-Narrator's perspective-

In many many months since Hope was born, she being in the hidden world so that she wouldn't be in danger, it took a lot for Danielle to realize that Hayley changed. There wasn't a shine of innocence over the little wolf that she once vowed to protect. It was no secret that Hayley can protect herself but Danielle would kill a hundred people more for just provoking the younger hybrid. Whatever she wants, the original will do everything she could so that she can get it.

But at this point, All Hayley wanted to do was have a normal life with her daughter. Even Danielle couldn't give her that.

"Ofcourse I tried to call you, Elijah. But since Dahlia was able to take down both Klaus and Mikael I'm guessing a cellphone tower was a piece of cake." Hayley's angered expression was clear to the noble original who stayed calm.

Earlier, Dahlia managed to infiltrate the bar they took as a safe house in. So that there was no magic that can be used inside. It was perfect. Only that Dahlia was much more smarter and stronger than a sanctuary for non-using magic.

"And where were the wolves who stood guard?" Calmly, Elijah asked. But knew on the inside he was extremely worried for his niece.

"Getting their asses handed to them by Dahlia like Klaus did." She explained in a much more rather annoyed tone.

It was soon that the name made himself known. Along with his sister who just circled around the block for any sign of their aunt but by luck, she wasn't anywhere near the bar. "That's it. You're coming with me to the compound." He ordered and the two turned around.

"Where Dahlia sent Josephine this morning. No way. We'd be sitting ducks just like we will be here as soon as that spell breaks." Hayley took a breath, looking once at Danielle who turned to look the other way. "Which is why we have to go."

And that was when the three Mikaelsons frowned and looked at her more sharply. "Jackson is out getting supplies. We're taking the wolves and we're headed to the bayou."

"The swamp. So my child can be protected by the very wolves Dahlia so easily defeated." Klaus remined and had a glare at her. "Absolutely not."

"You know, I am so over taking advice from you, Klaus." She walked past Elijah who tried, but failed miserably to hold her back. "All it has done so far is put Hope in danger. From now on, I am gonna do what I wanna do. We're leaving." Hayley then proceeded to walk past Klaus who held her arm, pulling her back.

"You're not going anywhere unless I tell you to." He pointed at her in a warning sense.

Danielle held in the urge to sigh, just watching the two hybrids in front of her fight was getting a little tiring. It seems that her oldest brother here had the same idea when he spoke up. "Both of you, please. We're playing into Dahlia's hands." He said.

"Not doing as I say plays into her hands." Klaus finally turned around and saw that her siblings were sided by each other. "While you three have been kowtowing to Freya and devising ways to flee with your tail between your legs, I've been forging a new path. I know what Freya was planning. And I know how to kill Dahlia."

At this point, it was already nightfall and the argument was arising between them 4. It was getting old for Danielle who had to clench her jaw shut to keep any unnecessary words in to piss them all off. But in the end, it was always Klaus who seemed to be having more words in about their older sister.

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