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-Narrator's perspective-

It's been a couple days since Danielle lost her memories. Even she was anticipating to remember her life. A thousand years worth of memories with family (and enemies, ofcourse.) It's what Elijah has been telling her in order for her to jog her own brain. But it didn't work. Nothing ever did.

Despite their frustration, they managed to find silver lining in Danielle's situation. They could no longer talk to the quiet and stern-looking Danielle they knew, only to talk to a positive and always smiling one. Even with wanting the old her back, Freya couldn't do anything to do so. Because she had no idea how on earth it happened anyways.

"How're you doing?"

Danielle got lost in her own mind, only to be brought back when Hayley walked in her room. Even if it's still early in the morning, Hayley was always the one who greeted her. It might be the fact she wanted to be the first one to know when Danielle remembers again. A girl can hope.

"I still don't remember a thing." Danielle lets out a brief smile of disappointment. She also wanted everything to be over with. Not remembering already sucks, now she had to have the people around her to try and do everything in their power in order for her to get her memories back. "Disappointed, are you?"

"Ofcourse not. I'm just hoping." Hayley immediately said before things go wrong. Her need to be defensive made Danielle chuckle genuinely, eyes were cheery as well as the smile she flashed. Just by witnessing it, Hayley's heart jumped like it never before. "Anything for you to do today?"

"No not really." She informed, shrugged like it was nothing. Currently, Danielle had just finished showering when she unknowingly heard Hayley's footsteps coming close to her. She didn't knew why she recognized it to he Hayley's, or the fact her vampiric abilities went off straight away like a red flag. Was she always this cautious?

"I'm actually meeting a friend of mine. Her name's Davina. She's also your friend and has been dying to see you again." said Hayley who went through an argument with Klaus just to make this happen.

"Absolutely not." Klaus refrained from speaking louder than he is now. "Have you any idea how much Aurora despises Dani? If the mere rumour of her still being alive gets out, the woman will do anything to kill her again."

"I'm not gonna just let her roam around with no memories- besides, she's not a kid, Klaus. She's been held up in the Compound for days and for what? She's an original for god's sakes." Hayley argued with glowering eyes to threaten the Mikaelson.

Klaus shook his head, "An Original with no idea on the basics of feeding. She can do fine with regaining her memories back here and not out there."

"Niklaus, she has a point." Elijah interrupted them before Hayley could nonstop dictate every curse word she knows to Klaus. "Saraphina is aware of her true self and if you would notice, losing her capability of remembering every thing she learned didn't fade away her instincts. You would notice if you would talk to her often."

It was true. Once, Danielle was curious as to why she had a piano in her room. When she sat down on the chair, her slim fingers dancing around the keys, she didn't even knew it was happening before Elijah brought her back to reality in a praise. She was dead honest enough to say she didn't know how she played the piano so well.

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