𝟹.𝟷𝟻: 𝙰𝚗 𝙾𝚕𝚍 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚜 (𝟿𝟻)

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-Narrator's perspective-

When Klaus showed his siblings a list of letters and names in a small chest, all Freya could say was, "You collect trophies from all your victims?"

"Letters to their loves ones, to be specific." Elijah said just to be clear while he sat on a chair, looking at his brother calmly.

"It was a phase." The Mikaelson hybrid defended himself while searching the parchments for something.

"A phase in which we were forced to learn a different kind of stealth. You see, over time, Niklaus' enemies grew so numerous we had no choice but to artfully withdraw from the world. And then... Well, I wouldn't exactly describe our presence in this city discreet, wouldn't you agree, Niklaus?" Elijah asked sarcastically but seriously at the same time.

"We all saw the white oak destroyed. Plus, this city was crawling with vampires, all of whom had no choice but to shield me from potential foes. Were I to die, they would die too, I couldn't have been more safe." Klaus exploded and sighs. "And now my sire link is undone. Those very foes will come for me like never before."

"Niklaus, it's only been days when your sire line broke." Danielle reminded him of the reality they were in before they begin a fight that hasn't begun yet.

"Yes, must you jump into crippling paranoia already?" Freya asked and she, Elijah and Danielle were thinking the same thing that their Hybrid brother don't. That he's being overly paranoid over something that he had done in the past.

"That's a default setting." Elijah said under his breath but loud enough for them to hear.

Danielle agreed when she hid a smile by drinking a glass of bourbon on her left hand. "And with good reason." Klaus pointed at him.

"Well, Niklaus, if it offers you any solace whatsoever, we've ransacked Aya's belongings, torched Aurora's hunting ground, and obliterated every last splinter of the white oak." Elijah reminded him yet again and stood up to face his brother.

"I would be mad to believe that." He just wouldn't give up. It was probably a Mikaelson thing to be overly stubborn.

"Perhaps you should visit the family therapist, Niklaus." Danielle suggest and Elijah points at her in agreement, condoning to that suggestion. Niklaus didn't say anything else but leave the room, knew that his siblings can't be persuaded at this early time.

When he left, Freya asked, "Every last splinter? You sure?"

Hayley was staring at a piece of paper, names written down and some of it were already crossed out. There were still a few that wasn't and she wanted to put a line across every single one today. The door opened and she quickly folded it so it won't be suspicious.

"I thought you were in the bayou." Elijah entered the room and walked to the hybrid girl.

"Shh." Hayley hushed and pointed at the Nursery door, claiming that little Hope was asleep. "I just came home to feed Hope, put her down for a nap. I'm heading back out soon." She stood up and ready to leave.

"Stop." Elijah says and points at Hayley's head where a drop of blood was there. The Marshall used her thumb to wipe and look at it in confusion. "What is that?" He interrogates and didn't want to cross a line by wiping it for her.

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