𝟸.𝟸𝟸: 𝙰𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚜 𝚃𝚘 𝙰𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚜 (68)

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-Narrator's perspective-

For once in her many years of living in this earth, Danielle wished her dreaded and terrible existence to end. Because not only was she to resurrect her mother- who she entirely hated with all her heart- she also has to stay in one place by her very least favorite brother at the moment. While they made their way to the place where magic can't be held, Elijah kept telling his younger sister to keep in every ounce of anger she had towards Klaus. However, she didn't say a word she will. That was yet to be chosen since Danielle had different sets of moods every second of every hour in this very day.

The whiplash of it all made her frustrated and the thought of Hayley running in the woods made her more mad. Adding fuel to the fire, she recalled that it was her own brother who took away the woman she loves. Took Hayley away from Hope who only had the chance to see her daughter every once a month. And she couldn't handle seeing the hybrid with a pained emotion every once a month. But she had to push it aside and bring Hope to her to every full moon. It was the least she could do for not fulfilling her promise to Hayley.

Once, Hayley had asked her on what will Klaus do once she gave birth to Hope. In her past self, Danielle was certain that her brother will never do anything to take away Hope's mother. And that she promised that if that day comes, she will do anything to stop it. Even if it means going against her brother. What good is promising such a thing when Danielle couldn't even save her? It's one of her worst outcomes to ever procure. Not being able to be there when Hayley needed her. It also happened when she was weakened by the Moonlight rings, fighting Marcel's army while she had no idea that Hayley was giving birth to her niece as of that moment. To herself, she vowed to never let it happen again. To not let Hayley leave her sight when a crisis has evolved and look at that, it happened again.

"Let me guess." Esther started again and again, her back turned to her children who was getting antsy of her presence. "You brought me back from the dead to torture me?"

"Oh, how I longed for that to do." Danielle whispered and made sure she was heard. Even Elijah, who was impatient, agreed and cracked up a smile at her sentence.

"My dear Mother, we simply need your blood." Her son said simply, fondling with the small knife on his hands. The edge of the blade was faced on the wooden table while he circles it. "In the event that you should suffer horribly, I can't promise I won't enjoy it immensely."

The door opened in front of them and Danielle swore she saw red and blood. "Ah. Mother, I've arrived just in time for another of your deaths. And as much as I appreciate the front row seat... I'm going to have to postpone the festivities." Klaus was chirpy which honestly made his sister more angry by the seond. Though she will never let him get the satisfaction and instead, sat on a chair while she lets Elijah handle this.

"You're in excellent spirits." He flat out pointed out, having no time for Klaus' silly games of gesture right now.

"Lucky for you... as I'm the one needed to save the day." He replied and that was enough for Danielle to stood up, pissed off on the entire world except her niece and Hayley.

"Is that what it's called?" Elijah asked.

"Why not? My plans worked." Klaus fired and the original stepped forward to clash with him but he stepped back and held his palm up to stop him. "Easy, Elijah. I can see your red door swinging wide open. But our job's not yet done."

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