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-Narrator's perspective-

Such as her stubborn brother was beginning to be hasty with his words over the phone, Danielle had to stop killing witches and come back to New Orleans. This past days has been hell for her, blood on her hands, stained in her nails, a heavy heart. Ever since the night she's left, she has not answered any call from her brothers and sister. It started smoothly. Travelling everyday, moving to one place to another. It was a pretty good distraction to say the least but it all ended in one day when Danielle learned that a long lost sister made herself known to their brothers. Just by hearing it over the phone made her feel the same burden of her family.

But it didn't stop her from trying one last time to kindly persuade the witches hiding in the Northern Hemisphere to help her bring her brother back. "So, what's it going to be? A massacre or help me?" She asks, hands up that was filled with filthy blood of witches.

"We will never stoop so low to help a Mikaelson- nonetheless bring another one back." The woman said fiercely. Even upon her death, she will never help the original who hummed in knowing.

"Your choice, love." She hummed, going behind her and held her neck. The witch was quivering in fear, already begging to be off. "I'll gladly fulfill it as you please." Danielle said simply and snapped her neck, dropped the body on the floor with the rest of them.

Taking a handkerchief off her pocket, she wiped her hands off the red liquid while exiting the warehouse. As she did, her phone rang in her pocket making her hault. Expecting that it was Klaus or Elijah, she was wrong when she saw Hayley's name on the caller I.d. It's been going on for a week or so and the more Hayley called, the more she felt less humane. It's bad enough she was trying to find a way to bring Kol back, now she needs a reminder that the girl she loves is still married.

When the ringing finally stopped, Danielle clicked her tongue and placed her phone back inside her pocket. Such as she did, she held the door to her car but felt someone's presence behind her. Danielle exhaled, expecting a witch survived a massacre but frowned when she saw an unfamiliar woman before her. Still, one can't be too sure.

"Who are you?" She asked, tossing the handkerchief away from anyone's reach. "I suggest you be concise."

"I would have expected that our brother filled you of what has been happening in New Orleans." Freya said, hands clasped together in front of her.

That was when it all fell together for her. "Freya." She said, not really knowing what to say but she does know what to ask. "How are you here?"

"It takes one witch to astral project. You would be surprised what I could do with this." She said and held up a blue pendant. Similarly enough, it was the same one she was wearing around her neck as of now.

"That was in Davina's hands- how did you get that?" Danielle asked, walking closer in now more caution. Her eyes landed to a shining blue talisman around her sister's neck and she even got more curious. But it didn't care and shook her head, "What did you do to her? She will never willingly give it up without a fight."

"Relax, Sister." Freya quickly said and held her hands up in surrender. "We have much more pressing matters than you killing witches and leaving trails."

"And pray tell why didn't Niklaus or Elijah or even Rebekah just called me." She asked, checking her phone and saw the dozens of missed calls. Danielle exhaled in frustration.

Freya hummed, clearly amused of the girl's behavior now than the last time she's talk to her. But it was not like Danielle remembered it. "They asked me to conjure you back home. Dahilia is back."

With that said, Danielle's face grew cold and even more frustrating. "I'll take the first flight home." She announced clearly.

"Hurry. We don't have much time." Freya reminded and she was gone.

Danielle inhaled sharply in the stress over her shoulders. As she entered her car, she contemplated on whether or not calling her brother and ended up doing just that for her sake. When the brother finally answered, she quickly spoke. "I'm on my way so stop conjuring Freya to me. I Still don't know whether or not to trust her." She said and pushed on the gas a little more further to hop on a plane back to New Orleans.

"Dani." Instead of Klaus' voice, it was Hayley and it made her stare at the road blankly.

Clearing her throat, Danielle spoke again, "I'm pretty sure I called Niklaus. Doesn't matter, tell Nik I'm on my way." She said in quickly motions before she hung up.

Danielle sharply exhaled, hearing the girl's voice made her lose all sanity. But it didn't stop her from ever hurrying before someone hurts her niece.

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