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-Narrator's perspective-

[A/n: don't mind me extending the original storyline of the show😀]

"My name's Danielle Mikaelson. I have 7 (A/N: Including Henrik) siblings which most of them are dead. I have a niece name Hope who's your daughter. What else... right! I'm fortunately an Original hybrid who's like a million years old."

"Close." Hayley paused to laugh and continued on, "I know it's hard to believe. Trust me, when I found out I was a werewolf, I was freaking out like hell. You must be too, right?"

"I'm hanging in there." Danielle lightly shrugged. There was an acknowledgment which she lingered in her thoughts. This was the only time she had the courage to ask since her siblings- as she knew- was talking in another room. Leaving her and Hayley alone to talk. "How about you? Besides my niece's mother, I didn't hear from anyone on who you might be in my life."

Hayley froze and couldn't find the right answer for that. There were only broken promises, longing kisses and an unspoken feelings towards one another. What could possibly the best title for that kind of relationship? What answer would be most fit to ease Danielle's mind?

"I'm a close friend." Hayley answered in a warm and painful smile. But as she knew, Danielle also had the easiest way in reading people's facial expression quite clearly.

"You're more than that. Am I right?" She guessed in a light curved up smile, sensing Hayley's discomfort. Danielle felt awfully guilty for not remembering a single thing from anyone she's met today. The moment she woke up, unfamiliar with the people surrounding her, she knew they cared about her the moment they looked relief to see her open her eyes.

But Hayley's was different. Even Danielle could admit that when Hayley held her hands a few hours ago to comfort her in her woke, she felt relieved and warm on the inside. The feeling itself was already confusing her but deep down, it was so familiar yet couldn't exactly name it directly. It was driving her insane.

Danielle took the woman's silence as an answer and nodded, "Don't worry, I won't ask again. But I'll do ask about this ring." She looked down at her hand, Kol's daylight ring was wrapped around her pointed finger. "So what's the story of this?"

"It's your brother's. His name's Kol and he gave it to you when he died." She answered honestly. Hayley knew that there was no point in sugarcoating her life. If she were to, she'd be lying ever single little thing about what she knows about Dani.

"Am I this sentimental?" Danielle joke and made the hybrid laugh wholeheartedly. "It's like everything I own will have meaning of something important. How about yours then?" She asked, gesturing to the one Hayley was wearing. Sue her for not wanting to make this conversation so dry.

"Hmm, well, you gave this to me on my birthday. I just turned into a hybrid and like I told you earlier, it's not easy when you can't control your emotions. You left the box in my room, saying sorry how you couldn't save me." She explained and Danielle didn't know whether to laugh at herself or what. But her shocked expression made Hayley laugh herself.

In truth, Hayley has never seen Danielle act to innocent like this. It made her determined to make her remember. "Looked like I had taste. I guess that's a good sign." She said while studying the ring without realizing she was already holding Hayley's hand.

"I'm gonna be honest, you're not normally like this." Hayley cleared her throat, grabbing a hold of herself together even when Danielle lets go of her. When the Mikaelson asked what she normally acted, she said, "I have never seen you smile like this before."

"Really? I must have been out of my mind for not doing so." She mumbled, shaking her head in disbelief. "So, uh, can you tell me what I was like before, then?" Hayley smiled, didn't even know where to start.

Knowing that his sister was stuck with a mind that no longer holds hundreds of years worth memories, Klaus had no idea on what to do next. Even by being in the same house as Danielle, he didn't feel her presence like how he should be feeling. He couldn't talk to her normally without explaining the whole story, He couldn't look at her in the eye without feeling the emptiness burried in his heart. It was already tough almost losing her but now, this seems completely much worse than what he thought it would.

But he did try his best to try and tell her what their relationship between them siblings were before. It has only been a day but he felt like it's been months since Danielle lost her memories. Freya didn't anticipate on that happening when they brought her back to life. She thinks that it's only temporary but the jump in her heart gave it away. She didn't knew what it was. It could be weeks before she regains her memory back. Months, even years. Either way, they wanted answers neither of them can get.

"She's playing with Hope right now." Hayley spoke behind the original hybrid who was sat on the sofa in the study. Hayley, fortunately, caught that Klaus had been sulking over their recent problems. "Atleast she's alive, you know. It's better than having her dead."

"But it feels like she is." His respones was dull, advocating for the depressing atmosphere around the study. "Elijah went to Marcel to tell him. Made sure he won't say a word of Dani's resurrection."

Without speaking, Hayley nodded once and heard from the back of her head Hope laughing as well as Danielle from the other room from afar. Just by hearing them squeal of laughter made her smile and whatnot. "You should go see her. Dani's never smiled lately."

"That's because there's nothing to smile about. If you tell her what has been happening for the past months, I doubt she'd be laughing with her niece right about now." Klaus, again, had no energy to be happy about anything. When he looked at Hayley, seeing her disappointed expression, he continued on. "I love how my sister is before. I didn't need her to lose her memory in the middle of a crisis."

"But you should still go talk to her. The Dani we love is still in there somewhere. And as much as I love seeing her carefree, she's not the woman I fell in love with." She simply said as if it was nothing. Klaus wasn't even surprised and even lifted the corned of his lips. "Sucks, I know. I was suppose to tell her yesterday but yesterday was the day I saw her dead body."

Klaus slid a glass of bourbon on the coffee table over to Hayley who was sitting on the opposite side. "Looks like you need this more than I do."

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