𝟻.𝟺: 𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚕 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚊 (𝟷𝟹𝟸)

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-Narrator's perspective-

Klaus Mikaelson had spent morning and night going around the city of New Orleans. Well, firstly, he didn't want to carry all the hardwork and baggage and compelled a whole lot of detectived in the city in search for Hayley Marshall. To keep it quiet, he let them work in the Compound, making his home scattered and loud for his liking but if it gets Hayley to be returned safe and unharmed, he'd do it again.

Because who knows what would his little sister do once she finds out that he failed in his task. Klaus was disappointed, mad disappointed when Danielle still didn't call him or even fly back to New Orleans to help him. He had to admit, it was quite surprising that Danielle did not move an inch from wherever she was especially when the circumstances were so dire. But Klaus didn't know that she was right there. Helping.

But it's not like Klaus knew that so he was head on determined and focused on making the factions fear him. He had a hunch on which supernatural being was involved in Hayley's abduction and Klaus voted for the vampires. But he had to confirm it and prove it first to initiate an ulterior motive.

"Because if my daughter is not reunited with her mother by sundown... them your entire faction will face the wrath of my disappointment. Close proximity of just two Mikaelsons turned rain into blood. Imagine what would happen if I turn to my siblings for help. Our little family reunion would cause hellfire to devour us all." was Klaus' words of wisdom in hopes to threaten the supernatural beings. He had to admit, he didn't take a part of the Hollow but he could only imagine what would happen if Rebekah, Kol and Danielle were in the same room. Who knows? Maybe the ground they stand on starts to crack and unfold.

The Mikaelson Hybrid stands above the people he compelled, them causing a ruckus but was actually doing their job. He was thinking to himself before Marcel came up behind him on the study, interrupting his day dreams. "Compelling NOLA's finest, I see."

"If that's the city's finest, then it will wither from its own mediocrity." Klaus responds, unamused by how slow the police were cooperating and searching. But then again, he has no other choice but to do what he set in plan.

"Now, what are humans gonna do that the other factions can't?" said Marcel who was actually leaning more one Klaus' plans today. Hey, if it gets him to leave this town more quickly then so be it.

"They have the numbers. I need eyes everywhere." The man explains thoroughly but he didn't know a sister of his was currently under his nose the whole time. "Whoever did this can't hide from me." Then, Marcel squints his eyes and obviously studied Klaus with no shame which irritated the half breed. "What?" He asked with venom in his tone.

"Hm. Clear eyes, focused demeanour. You know, for Klaus Mikaelson, I'd say you're acting pretty normal." He studies and Klaus had no time to beat around the bush, as the saying goes.

"If you've got a point, Marcellus, spit it out."

Marcel couldn't help but smile, "There's chatter you're unhinged. I'm just making sure you're not poised to do something that we'll all regret."

"Well, if the suicidal simpletons who took my daughter's mother return her unharmed, I won't have to do something we'll all regret, will I?"

"What happened when you went to go visit Elijah in France?" Marcel asks, sensing the illness that illuminated around Klaus since he came back. It was definitely see through and whatever it was, it took a large toll on Klaus.

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