𝟷.𝟸𝟷: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙾𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 (33)

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-Narrator's perspective-

When Danielle descended down the stairs, Francesca and her brothers were already arriving in their home. Seeing the human made Hayley's skin crawl.

"You can't seriously mean her. She's a gangster." Hayley complained while they followed behind the she-hybrid.

"I see her more as a means to procuring rare items at short notice." Klaus answered and walked down the stairs. "Greetings, Ms. Correa. I see you've brought company." He walked besides his sister who looked displeased to see another unfamiliar face.

"These are my brothers." She introduced, looking back to them. "I always include them in delicate business matters. Fellas, meet Mr. Mikaelson."

"Please, call me Klaus. I believe you haven't met my sister." He started and wrapped his arm around Danielle's shoulder who held in the urge to slap him. "This is Danielle."

"Yes, pleasure." She said in a sarcastic tone and secretly elbowed her brother making him let go of her and coughed to cover.

Their visitors didn't see it but Hayley and Elijah looked away to make sure no one saw them smile in amusement. Mostly Hayley who witnessed how Danielle stepped to her left from her brother before he pulls another stunt.

"If you and Marcel are planning on having a little throw down, I'd prefer my family to be on the same side as the inevitable victor." As Francesca conversed, she took something out of a briefcase that one of her brothers was holding. She now then faced the Mikaelsons.

"Then you have what I asked for." Turned serious, Klaus said with his hands behind his back.

"Not enough for an army at such short notice, but it's a start." She added and handed the hybrid a small pouch.

"Strange, I wasn't aware that she was familiar with our plan." Elijah said and walked to the two originals, the three side by side.

This point, Klaus opened the pouch and took one stone out to admire it in triumph.

"My price for doing business if full disclosure. Your brother complied." She said simply, pointing to the hybrid.

"And what does the human faction expect to benefit from all this?"

"I only wanna solidify our allegiance to the ruling class. It's good for business." Francesca explained, looking at the each. But Elijah and Danielle were too smart to fall for it, knowing that the human is up to something.

"If only everyone shared your capacity for reason." Klaus said, thankful but it's not like he will say it aloud. The only people he will be thankful for is those who are worthy. Such as his family.

"Sadly, they don't. Marcel is being especially vindictive. I'm worried he might cone after me or my family just for meeting you." She hinted and Klaus looked at her blankly. "It might be in our best interests if we combine our efforts."

For a second, Klaus didn't hesitate. "So be it. The more bodies we have to defend the compound, the better. Let's get started, shall we?"

When Hayley was no where in sight, Danielle tracked her down in the compound and found her with Jackson. Whom was leaving even before she arrived.

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