𝟺.𝟽: 𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑 𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙰 𝙳𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚕'𝚜 𝙳𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝟷𝟷𝟹)

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-Narrator's perspective-

In the morning, Danielle had plans to help her brother Elijah of whatever he was aiming to do today. That was the original plan but when he says she was most needed here in home, she stayed. Firstly fought him of that idea of his but lost since he was older. Danielle was forced to try and destroy that bone which Hayley brought home, the Hollow was aiming to get so it can be back to flesh.

She grabs the sledgehammer sitting on the ground, examining its weight but was taken away from her hand when Klaus comes in the room, stealing the weapon away. "How adorably efficient. A brother and sister teams up to destroy an ancient bone which dooms their family if in piece. How would that story end, sister?" He asks, walking towards the jawbone on top of the anvil in the middle of the compound.

"I'd think the most logical ending is they succeed." She answers, having the privilege on not moving a muscle since Klaus aims to do her job. Danielle places her hand inside her coat, watching her brother getting ready to try and eliminate the bone. "What do you think?"

"I was thinking what you were but with a little more bloodshed. You know, with its disciples and all." He waves his hand, grinning per his attitude was a psychotic murderer. Whenever he was with his daughter, an innocent father.

"We cannot do that when we're stuck in this house." She reminds and Klaus sighed, rolling his eyes when he remembered Elijah telling him to stay put right here. "Yes, he also commanded me to stay."

"Awful idea." He clicked his tongue before pulling the hammer up and will all his strength, slammed it on the jawbone which did not crack one bit. Klaus sighs again. "I think we need a bigger hammer." His tone made his sister chuckle.

"Dani, can you come up here for a minute!" Hayley calls from upstairs and walks back in the study, moving boxes from here and there.

"On second thought, I'll just use this chainsaw." Klaus picks it up from the ground, eyeing the thing dearly with full confidence that the bone will break, surely.

Danielle bid him a goodluck before walking up the stairs, seeing the study door wide open and heard ruckus inside. She was expecting to see her niece inside as well but it was just Hayley with brown boxes surrounding her from where she sat on the couch.

"Need help?" Danielle asks, taking her time in coming inside the tight spaced room and looking inside a dusty old box.

"Yes, please. Still need to figure out which stuff to donate and keep. I haven't gone through half of these yet." The woman complains, a baby sized t-shirt on her lap. Danielle assumes it was Hope's when she was still a baby.

"I don't know why you bother. Most of this stuff are old and desperate need of attention... In the garbage." The Mikaelson picks up a ripped up book, looked like it was burnt and torn off its pages. She showed it to Hayley who sighed in stress.

"That's going in the garbage box. I asked for help, not judgement." Hayley gives her the look before snatching the book off Danielle's hand, throwing it in an empty box which was labelled as 'trash.'

"Would be my pleasure. But, the most you're going to hear for me is how you won't throw this whole box away." Danielle complains as she saw a collection of old relics. Probably from the 1800's, if she wasn't mistaken. "If Hope touches this, even she'd get sick from the germs and old dust-"

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