𝟷.𝟻: 𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚜 (5)

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-Narrator's perspective-

"We had a deal." Firstly, Klaus spoke with his voice large after pulling Sophie from Rousseau's to the mansion. "You protect my unborn child, I dismantle Marcel's Army. And whilst I've been busy fulfilling my part of the bargain, You allowed Hayley to be attacked and almost killed by a gaggle of lunatic witches."

As the excuses were already piling up, Danielle rolled her eyes, trying to out hear everything that was going on downstairs. She relaxed her nerves, quickly reading Elijah's journal, which was about her.

As much as she tried, she heard all about the harvest. A myth or somewhat of what she heard downstairs.

All these words that Elijah described was her was horrifying and clearly unstable. Though, Danielle didn't blame her as her bloodlust was uncontrollable, especially when someone hurts her family.

Unlucky for her, everyone wanted to kill the original family. All which leads to Danielle killing anyone who dared to get close to anyone- even if it was Nik who could handle himself.

People were even much more afraid of her than her brother Klaus. Both an original hybrid, lethal and had an impulse of a madman. Clear to say, Danielle acquired it from his full sibling.

She heard Klaus yell her name, making her close the journal and toss it on her bed as she sped downstairs.

"Little sister. Care to join me and Marcel out to the bayou to find out who massacred those witches?" He asked, a glimpse of a grin on his lips when he saw Danielle by the stairs, making her way down.

"Nothing better to do." She chimed in, walking alongside of him. Her eyes turned to Hayley, who just came in the room. Danielle snapped her eyes to the witch who looked restless, The werewolf taken aback by her attitude.

"You can't go out there now. I need to gather the witches' remains and consecrate them." Sophie flunked, looking at the two hybrids who didn't faze of her problems. "If I don't get to them before sundown, we lose the link to their magic."

"Those witches tried to kill Hayley." He pointed at the brunette. "I prefer for Marcel's informant not to find anything that would lead him back to us, to her, or to, you know, that." Again, he pointed at Hayley.

Hayley, who was holding a mug, spoke up. "You are all class." She exhaled, taking a sip of her beverage.

"Stay put and save the rest of your story 'til me and my sister return." He pointed to Sophie as him and his sister walked out of the room. As they were outside, an earshot away from the house. "What have you been doing with Hayley?"

Danielle glanced at him, acting dumb. "What are you talking about?" She questioned, weirded out of his behavior.

"Oh, don't play that card, dear sister." He said, smirk on his face when he saw how Danielle looked done of him. "You fancy the werewolf, don't you?"

"No, I do not, brother." She said, avoiding eye contact. Though she has never lied to anyone, Danielle didn't even know if what she was thinking was the same as what she is feeling.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." He teased, earning an incoming punch on his shoulder while they continued to walk and speed off to the bayou.

"What's the matter, Rebekah? You cross that I'm out with your ex?" Klaus questioned, phone against his ear while Danielle listened in on their conversation.

"What is all that dreadful hillbilly ruckus in the background? Where have you taken our sister?"

"According to the dreadful signage, it's big Auggie's Bayou bar." He informed, looked at the sign which was literally in big caps in front of the bar.

"Well, order up a few more rounds of moonshine. And stay clear of the dead witches for a few. The witch is on a burial mission, your baby mama is on a spirit quest, and I'm keeping Elijah's promise to keep her safe. So stall, please."

And with that she hung up, Danielle sighed, looking at her brother who shared the same look. The two Mikaelsons went inside the bar, the female hybrid already regretting on accompanying her brother by the dreadful music that blasted her eardrums.

When the two went ahead and met up with Marcel who looked at them, noticing their behavior has been the most annoyed. "Everything okay?" He asked with a grin on his face.

"Just the usual. Temperamental sister. The blonde one, obviously." He cleared, making Danielle hide an amused smile as she stood beside him. "So, where's your informant?"

"Tomas? He's out sniffing around. Grab a drink, then we'll chase him down." He said, calling in the bartender behind the counter.

"Well, I suppose it will give us a chance to talk things over, like why you haven't return our brother, Elijah." Klaus started, taking off his jacket to sit down. "Maybe your young witch has grown partial to his company. She must get so bored."

Danielle sat beside him, not wanting to drink, and just wished she could have stayed in her cozy apartment up in the cities. Even when Marcel offered her a shot, she shook her head, making him shrug.

"You never stop, do you?" Marcel spat directly towards the male hybrid.

"You never answer, do you?"

"Boys, behave." Danielle chimed in, completely done with the battle for alpha and whatnot.

When the two calmed down a little, thanks to Danielle, Marcel was the first to speak. "Why are you so curious about Davina?" He questioned, skeptic-like.

"If I had a 16-year-old all-powerful witch at my beck and call, you would wonder about her too." He countered, making Marcel smirk.

"You're never gonna get her."

"Okay. Okay." Klaus retreated down, sensing that Marcel will blow a fuse right about now. "I'll ask the harmless questions, then. How did you meet her?"

Marcel chuckled, pouring another shot. "That might surprise you. This was eight months ago, before I banned the witches from using magic. Relations between vampires and witches weren't what you'd call friendly, by any means. But let's just say, we were a little less divided. In fact, some of us were just getting along just fine." He hinted, causing Danielle to cringe, looking away and considered on taking the cheap booze in the bar.

"You and Sophie. You hypocrite." Klaus said, the two men laughing and, although Danielle just rolled her eyes, looking the other way. "You torture those witches, and yet there you are, getting positively Romeo and Juliet with Sophie Deveraux."

"It wasn't like that. It was a mutually satisfying hookup." He defended and once again, the two shared the unison laugh.

As the conversation grew more, eventually Danielle chiming in to insult the two for being immature, it went like this for a few more moments.

In knew of Rebekah will create some sort of distraction, Danielle excused herself from Marcel and told her it was personal issues. Which lead to Klaus teasing her about a girl and Marcel chiming in.

At that moment, Danielle actually felt like snapping both their necks, but decided not to since she's a decent sibling.

As she got close to the remains of the witches which was slaughtered, Danielle stopped a few meters away, seeing Hayley and Sophie hovering. The hybrid remembered that the werewolf was easily apprehended and made her presence known by walking to them.

Which it worked when Hayley turned around, relief when she saw her.

"Well? Go on. Don't let me stop you." She said, directly to Sophie, who continued to consecrate the witches remains.

Danielle crossed her arms, looking around and straight up refused to glance at Hayley. Though the werewolf's stare at her made her feel uneasy, she pushed the thoughts away and just focused on making sure no one spots them.

After a few while and moments, it was already nightfall when Sophie was finished.

Danielle walked around, telling them to pack and hurry up before someone sees them. She acknowledged how Hayley rolled her eyes of her behavior before circling their place.

She overheard a conversation about Hayley asking Sophie about the Harvest. Danielle heard all about it, thanks to Marcel and his rescue to save Davina herself.

But, the harvest was real, and it was supposed to work. It made Danielle grit her teeth and heard Hayley call her.

"Yes, Hayley?" She asked, hands behind her back as she maintained her posture of acting distant.

"We're leaving. Are you gonna join or...?" She trailed off, the car door closed when Sophie entered the car.

"I'm going my own way." Danielle informed, looking at the wolf, who looked disappointed. "I'll see you back home." She said before using her vampire speed and left in a blink.

Hayley prepared some sort of speech on why she was acting like this. Though, when Danielle left, Hayley sighed in frustration before getting in the car.

As Danielle was just inside her room, didn't bother on overhearing what ruckus occurred downstairs, she was standing up on her feet while staring out the window to the pool.

It's a dark night and once it is, the pool was alight. She clicked her tongue, bringing the edge of her glass up to her lips as she drank the burning alcohol.

No matter what she does, or how much she tries to deny it, She'll always have that Mikaelson instinct of wanting to drink when things get rough. Mostly it was her and Elijah, since their siblings have other plans to cope with anything rash.

Speaking of Elijah, he knocked on the door of his little sister's. He didn't know what to expect but when he opened the door, seeing Danielle pouring another serving of herself of Bourbon, he secretly smiled.

He, as well as the others, missed Danielle. Since Kol was brutally murdered, thanks to the Gilberts, she disappeared. Not after having to make a revenge ploy against the Jeremy and Elena. None of her siblings really knew what she did.

"My god- our brother has driven you to drink again." Elijah peaked up, a hand inside his coat pocket, as he saw how surprised Danielle looked when she turned around.

"Brother." She whispered, too little happy seeing Elijah. Too much so that she almost dropped her drink just to embrace the original, who didn't hesitate to return the gesture.

"Hello, Saraphina." He greeted, the second name has always been his favorite call to his little sister. Something about no one calling her that other than him.

Danielle chuckled, pulling backwards. "You're home." She said, smile on her lips, seeing how Elijah nodded.

"We all are."

"Everything that brought us here to New Orleans was a lie. This story that Sophie Deveraux fabricated, this struggle for control of the French Quarter, this war between vampires and witches, wasn't over territory at all. This was over Davina." Elijah informed, looking over to the four who was in front of him.

Klaus, sitting beside Rebekah, two of them in front of the desk where Elijah stood behind it. Hayley on the side with her arms crossed, while Danielle was just behind Klaus, a hand over the chair where he sat.

"Eight months ago, Sophie Deveraux and her sister Jane-Anne lost everything. Now, four months after that, a young, pregnant girl wanders into their restaurant. Suddenly, all hope is renewed. Jane-Anne actually sacrificed her life so that her sister could use you to find Davina." He gestured to Nik. "If Sophie Deveraux is successful in capturing Davina, she can return Jane-Anne's daughter back to life. We thought we'd come here to wage a war for power."

"This is about family. In order to return her niece to life, Sophie Deveraux will fight to the death. That makes her more dangerous than anyone." He concluded, the rest were just listening intently.

As their little family gathering was over, Danielle felt like killing witches but as long as Elijah was here, he would never let her hear the end of it. Mostly annoy her back to being calm and herself.

When Danielle was up and about, still frowning over herself. Even though the great news of her brother, Elijah, is back, she can't help but feel more upset over something. Or rather, someone.

She clenched her jaw, closing her eyes as a tiresome exhalation left her lips. Danielle stirred the glass in circles, the liquid spiraling as she did so. Moreover, bored with what she will do now.

Earlier this day, she found it difficult to obtain of her true feelings towards Hayley. It was no secret that she grew some sort of connection towards the wolf but, Danielle was nervous.

Never in her life has she felt some sort of liking towards Hayley. Maybe a little, but towards Hayley was much more different. There was something pulling her towards the girl- something strong.

Unlike the rest of her siblings who loved someone in their life, she hasn't.

Danielle had managed to just learn from her sibling's mistakes. And she had a lot to learn from them. Like love, from Rebekah. The bloodlust, from Elijah. Losing humanity, like Klaus. Being psychotic, like Kol. And no, she never learned anything from Finn because he spent his whole life as an immortal in a box.

Her thoughts were interrupted when someone pushed open her door slightly, seeing as it was open the entire time. Danielle turned around, surprised to see Hayley up this late and looking for her.

"Hayley? It's late, what are you doing up?" She asked, placing the glass on top of her drawer while she waited for an explanation.

"You acted like a complete bitch today." Hayley mused, closing the door behind her.

The wolf's choice of words for Danielle, taken aback. Most people who insulted her will never see the light of day again, but this was different. Hayley... Hayley is different.

"I'm-I'm sorry? Did I do something to upset you?" She asked, playing, once again, dumb. Danielle gripped her hand over the other, which was behind her back, sensing how infuriated Hayley looked.

"Did I?" She asked, concerns about her doing something that upset Danielle. "You ignored me back in the bayou. You keep avoiding me like I've done something wrong."

Danielle felt a wrenching pain in her chest. Guilt that Hayley felt like this. "No you haven't."

"Then why did you keep dodging me? You weren't like this when we met." Hayley asked, clearly wanted answers.

Yes, she wasn't like this when you met. That was what Hayley thought, and she is wrong. Danielle turned her beliefs around the moment she saw her in this particular house.

With no given explanation that escaped Danielle's mouth, her gaze landed on a certain journal that was on her bed. She clenched her fist tight before letting the pressure go.

"Over my influx on preserving my self-control, I never gave it up, Hayley." She informed, fidgeting with the notebook in her hand, walking towards the wolf. "I'm like my brother, Klaus. I lose control and have a habit of slaughtering many people when things don't go my family's way."

Hesitantly, Danielle handed her the book. Hayley looked at only her, a way of saying if it was all right. When the hybrid held Hayley's hand, giving it to her forcefully. The two's physical touch made them shudder.

"I hid this the moment I saw you reading Elijah's journal." She continued, letting go of her hands before something happens to the two of them. "Everything about it is me. A decade where I... lost control. You wanted to know why I ignored you, You'll find out if you read this."

Danielle stepped back, turning around and grabbed the glass of bourbon on her top dresser.

"Goodnight, Hayley." She tilted the glass up, leaning on the window behind her.

Doubtful, Hayley looked at her for a good 5 seconds before she opened the door behind her, not without looking back to the hybrid.


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