𝟸.𝟷𝟹: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚕 𝙸𝚜 𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚗𝚎𝚍 (56)

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-Narrator's perspective-

"I can't say I didn't enjoy witnessing that, but what the bloody hell?" Klaus questioned, going between his angered sister and Kol who stood up on his own in a limb.

"He's making a dagger for both of us, again." Danielle explained in an unbelievable and exhausted tone. Of everything she's done for him, this was what she gets? "After everything you've done about lying to me about Estella- you pull this crap?!" She yelled out in an impulse. But the mention of a certain name got Rebekah to look at her now in confusion.

By her revelation, Klaus and Rebekah looked at the slightly bleeding Kol who looked right back at them in return. "You come simpering for brotherly love. And the whole time you're plotting against me with that damn dagger. You're no better than Finn."

"Threatening me makes you better than Finn, does it?" Kol said, sitting on the ground with his back on the wall he was just thrown onto earlier. Courtesy of his older sister.

"All of you, just stop it." Rebekah butted in, walking to the two hybrid who was enraged.

"I came to you because you're my family." He disregarded Rebekah and stood up, walking towards his siblings. "But I see whilst you, Niklaus and Rebekah and Elijah all hang portraits and share secrets, I'm the odd one out. You wanna know where Finn is? You wanna Find a way to kill him? Then you can figure it out yourself." He said directly to Niklaus and placed his hand up to his head making him grunt and kneel in pain.

The same went to Danielle and Rebekah flew aback to the chair from Kol's magic. While the witch stopped it, he turned his heel around and left the three to fend for themselves. Such as he did, Danielle clasped her hand against her eyes and stood up, turning around to take a breath. Rebekah stood up, walking to her brother who's still on the ground, watching Kol leave.

"Your stupid temper will be the end of you one day. Just know that." She said before walking past them and left too, to take a breath.

A phone rang inside of Danielle's inside pocket and she pulled it out, answering it. "What is it?" She asked in annoyance.

"Danielle." Hayley's voice called out and the original postured herself. Once her voice came in an earshot for the Mikaelson, she managed to calm down. "Finn knows. He sent Marcel to get my blood. He's trying to find Hope."

By her said, Danielle turned around in quick movements and saw the surprised looked in Klaus' face when he heard. In that moment, they feared what will happen to the little Mikaelson that was completely hidden.

"Pick up the damn phone, Elijah. Finn is trying to find Hope." Klaus left another voice mail, hurriedly running down the stairs with his sisters following.

"She's safe. It'll take a hundred witches to break the cloaking spell." Rebekah tried to rationalize, stopping in her tracks when Klaus turned around to face her.

"I would've said the same thing about Mother finding you. Yet a flock of starlings later and here we are." He said quickly, arms open gesturing to their situation.

"We won't let him get to her, Nik. But you need to remain calm." She assured.

Out of their eye, Kol came rushing in. "Our brother doesn't do calm." He said and turned to Danielle who sped to him. Kol flicked his wrist and her neck snapped, body dropping on the ground dead.

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