𝟹.𝟷𝟹: 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝙱𝚘𝚡 (𝟾𝟽)

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-Narrator's perspective-
-Year 1114-

By the time that Elijah Mikaelson did his research about his little sister's behaviors, he couldn't believe it. By his stubborn self, the man kept asking her about Estella. The girl who she was always with in Count de Martel's kingdom. He suspected the two were more than close friends but had no intentions on confirming it seeing as it wasn't his business. But time was precious and he was afraid of losing Danielle forever from a humanity switch flip.

And with Niklaus struggling with the Hunter's curse, he couldn't sit down and watch his siblings fall apart. "Ofcourse it's the bloody switch, Elijah. We asked her about Nik's condition and her response was: 'Good for him. He took wanted to kill the five by himself so that's his problem. Not mine.' This is getting ludicrous." Rebekah complained.

"But what caused her to shut it down? We are all together." He dodged, pacing left and right in their house's living room den. Elijah and Rebekah made sure that Kol took their sister in town to distract her while they come up with a plan to take her back. First of, Kol was stubborn to let her be by who she is right now but knew they were right. The Danielle now was not their sister.

"Um, Hello? Father has been following our trails non stop, Mother turned us into murdering maniacs and had to endure possibly decades of running. If I were her, I wouldn't regretting wanting to feel numb once in a while." said Rebekah. "How do you propose we make her flip her switch back on?"

"The vampires we tracked down from South said to force it. There is no sugarcoating this, we need to be as aggressive and remind her of every heartwarming thing she felt these years." He explained, imagining hearing Danielle back to normal again. "It won't be pretty."

-Year 2014-

"Nik pisses off one sister of ours and now she's missing." Danielle complained coldly, holding the letter which was left to find on the clock tower where Freya was supposed to be. "I do hope Aurora doesn't slip and fall into a branch. I'd love to see the life leave her eyes." She sighed, passing it on to Elijah.

"Same here." He said and silently read the horrible riddle which Aurora left for them to solve. "Sister, are you certain you don't want to accompany Hayley this day?"

"You just want to get rid of me so you won't have to worry Aurora killing me." She said, glancing backwards and Elijah stayed quiet and confirmed her suspicion. Well, he didn't need to hide it. Him and Klaus was worried of anything happening to their sister. First Freya now her? "I can handle myself. And on the other hand needs to grieve on her own. Sometimes I catch her feeling guilty of even talking to me casually."

"Because of Jackson?" Elijah questioned right away.

"Because of Jackson." Danielle repeated, swallowing lightly in stress before leaning backwards on the wooden table. "It's fine. She's mourning and I don't need to be in the way of that."

Elijah used his finger to trace a line on the dusty table, the dirt getting on his fingertip. "She might not say it out loud- because she's as stubborn as you- but she needs you. You both need each other."

"Maybe." She said, wanting to smile but couldn't bring herself to. "But not right now."

"Where's that bloody parchment." Klaus stormed in the room, alarming his siblings who looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. Danielle handed it to him and he quote, "'A forest of pine and a box made so fine come quickly if not, then poor Freya shall rot, Burried in firt for all time.' The woman is insane." He ended, harshly placing it back on the table.

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