𝟻.𝟷𝟹: 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝙶𝚘 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙸𝚗 (𝟷𝟺𝟼)

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-Narrator's perspective-

It should have been a good idea. To die with family and love around you. Sacrificing your own life for the brother you protected most in this world for one thousand years. Danielle Mikaelson hoped that they would understand what she'd done. That she couldn't stand back and watch Klaus do the worthy thing. She can't do nothing while Hope's father intends to die with the evil that shattered their family apart. No, she can't.

The setting was dark and still, Mikaelson brothers looking at their sister with much hurtful look. They'd be lucky if they even have a chance in speaking to her for two days, considering she might explode of temperance any moment now. She might have been the calmest of all of their siblings but everyone has a limit.

"Niklaus, give me the stake." Danielle demanded, walking towards him with her hand out. Her breathings were heavy, in and out her mouth constantly. The power inside her was too much and as well was the whispers which annoyed her the most.

"I'd be damned if I give you anything that has a hand in killing you right now." Klaus grumbles, teeth clenched and eyes were watery. He had the stake in his jacket but he had no intentions of letting it go. "You weren't suppose to know nor interrupt and take my place!" He shouts.

"Enough, the both of you." Elijah beckons warily, extremely at fault of himself.

"This would all be over if you hand me the stake, Niklaus." Danielle says before speeding towards her brother. If it means getting that white oak was to hurt her brother then so be it. Pain was temporary anyways. She managed to catch the man off guard, Klaus on the ground when the stake went flying on the dirt near them.

Before Danielle could even think about it, Elijah caught it first and held it in his hand. The fate of their sister relies on him. He points it at her, "You will not get this- I won't allow you, Saraphina."

"You can't blame me, Elijah. We both wanted the same thing- and that was so Hope could have her father!" She raises her voice, coming towards him. "If you had known earlier, you would done the same thing I did."

"Exactly. I would. It didn't have to be either of you." Elijah says in a whispered voice, heartbroken to think that his little sister might not see the peak of sun tomorrow. Klaus stands up, trusted Elijah that he will never give that stake up. "We will force Alaric's children to do the spell again. We put it in me."

"Absolutely not." Klaus intervenes, walking to them, pointing at the two. "I've burden both of you enough. We just need a bit more time to find another way!"

"One I won't have the temperance to endure." Danielle shakily says, looking at him with such plea. "I want this, brother. Let me die if it means saving the family we all cherish." She says again.

Neither Klaus nor Elijah could say a thing, too overwhelmed on what to do next. But what they do know was that they will never kill their younger sister. They were supposed to be the brothers who were overprotective and the one's that will never let anything harm their sister. They failed and it haunted them to know of it.

"I won't let you get in the way." Danielle says and grabbed the stake from Elijah's hand, speeding away from them and back inside the circle. Before any of the Originals could stop her, Danielle had pierced the end of the wooden weapon on her chest that made them stop. "Don't. I mean it." She says and used her life to threaten her brothers. It partially worked.

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