𝟺.𝟷𝟶: 𝙿𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚚𝚞𝚎 (𝟷𝟸𝟶)

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-Narrator's perspective-

When the Mikaelsons have arrived in another place they knew the stakes were, they were expecting a very bloody again but it seemed like someone did that for them already. They find Marcel passed out on the floor and Rebekah seemed happy to see him. Her brother and sister saw it in her eyes.

Marcel woke up, backing away and startling Rebekah who was kneeling before him to make sure he was still alive. "That's a peculiar place for a nap." Rebekah said.

"It wasn't like I had a choice." He said, discreetly glad to see the blonde Mikaelson here too but chose to hide it.

"You're fighting a one-man war, Marcellus. Doesn't seem to be going very well. Perhaps next time you'll honor our alliance and inform me of your tactics." Klaus said and looked behind to the mountain of dead bodies piled up. It was there when they arrived.

"Look, I don't need to inform anyone of my tactics, especially you." He spat and now in a foul mood seeing Klaus was here as well.

"Well, if they're this ill-conceived, perhaps you could do with my help." Klaus stands out, turning around to Danielle who had to be forced to hear another useless banter.

"Well, I love it when you two bicker. We did come here for a reason." Rebekah butts in before another foul fight begins.

"Ah, yes. The Hollow's weapon." Danielle gave it to her brother. She merely saw it on the ground. "The magically crafted source of all our current misery."

It caught Marcel's attention, "Magic- I need that. Give it to me." He said to Klaus who glares at him.

"Have you lost your mind, or has the Hollow stolen it from you again?" Klaus punches his words in but Marcel was in a not-so-good mood today.

"Enough, you're acting like children." Danielle said and grabbed Klaus' arm, pulling him aback when Marcel stepped towards him.

"Those thorns are made with my blood and the Hollow's magic. So give it to me!" Marcel reached to the stake in Klaus' hands but the Mikaelson pushed him away.

"Stop it, both of you!" Rebekah warns and Klaus just smiles at Marcel's behavior. "Elijah is gone, we are under attack, and we cannot defeat our enemy with you two eat each other's throat."

"She's right."

"Look, I'm not gonna give the thorns to the Hollow. I want them for something else, and I don't need them to hurt you. So unless you want me to prove that-"

"-Marcel, please." Rebekah interrupts, going in front of the man. Klaus said something to Danielle under his breath, both of them watching the two's interaction. "Do you really want to fight us, after everything that we have endured? We need your help. We need to destroy all of the thorns so we can end this once and for all."

"What, do you mean there's more?" Marcel asks eagerly, Danielle looking his way for a moment.

"Yes, we cleared the Quartee, but there's still one in Gentilly. So if we go together-" Before Rebekah could finish, Marcel speeds away to get to Gentilly before the Mikaelsons could catch up with him and take the stake.

"I told you." Klaus whispers to his hybrid sister who shakes her head, clasing her face in stress. "Nice job, sister. Perhaps next time less carrot, more stick."

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