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-Narrator's perspective-

-Narrator's perspective-

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Goodbyes were difficult. That's all Hayley had to say about that day when she did what Danielle asked her to do. There wasn't a single coherent sentence she can think of describing that awful day again. The past is past, she's moved on from it. If everyone has, so should she, right? But every now and then, she can see how the life left in the girl she loves eyes, skin turning pale until desiccation. Tragically, Danielle Mikaelson was permanently killed by White Oak for the second time in her lifetime.

None other than Hayley who pierced the stake in her heart per her request. It was heartbreaking that she get to be the one to kill her while Klaus and Freya watched. None more of their family wanted to see Danielle die. It was too unbearable to have handled if they all see her wither away.


Hayley sharply breathes in, being forced to wake up from her imagination to hear that voice again. She smiles gently, turning around. "Hey." She repeats back and felt warmth inside her chest again. It felt like home and she never want the feeling to disperse.

"What were you deeply thinking about now?" Danielle asks, kissing the side of her temple before leaning her side on the ledge. The sunrise was breathtaking on their balcony floor with the ocean mirroring its color magically like it should be. But the most gorgeous sight that Danielle had seen was this woman in front of her.

It was a natural occurence. Danielle always knew whenever something was bothering Hayley. It was either she'd kill someone for making the Marshall feel that way. Or, she'd help make her feel better. At the very least, Hayley would stop her from doing the first one and instead do the second.

"Nothing." Hayley says, resting her hand on the ledge and interwined her hands on Elle's, letting them melt in each other's touch. "Elijah called, saying that he came back home to New Orleans safely." She informs. The call was 2 hours ago, 4 in the morning because of the different time zones, Elijah forgot that they were supposed to be sleeping.

"I wish Elijah would move on from Addy's death. It wasn't his fault..."

Elijah Mikaelson found peace in what he did a decade ago. Though he never really moved on from Audelia Verlice, he felt like he could never love someone like he loved her but knew it would be a lie. It was a cycle. He loves someone romantically, ended being head over heels with until she dies and he grieves. Danielle reminded him that he is immortal and that amount of guilt will drown him before she can dive in to rescue him.

So Elijah was on his own, accepted that his siblings has a life of their own, wives and husbands to tend. But even with the peace on his mind of being alone, he can't help but freeze when a woman in the French Quarter caught his attention. Then maybe, just maybe, he'd have his millionth chance afterall...

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