𝟹.𝟷𝟸: 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕𝚜 (𝟾𝟼)

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-Narrator's perspective-

"No you're just the one who drove Cami to steal the only thing in the world that could kill you." Danielle tutted, stopped walking as she kept pacing back 'n forth since morning.

"Kill us." Klaus reminded over the phone, on his way to get to Camille who was hiding in the Cemetery with the white oak trinket.

"I don't care if it kills me- you have a child for goodness sake, Niklaus." She sighed disappointingly. "Why did you have to piss off your therapist?"

"I was merely protecting her!" He defended, raising his voice over the level of frustration he's feeling right now. "If that white oak gets in the wrong hands, I will never forgive myself if something happens to you, to Elijah, Rebekah..."

Danielle stared at a picture frame which hung on the wall near her. There were time when they were on top, no weapon to kill them, smiling like they've never shed a blood in their entire life. They were smiling in the picture and in fact, it's the most happiest that Danielle has been. Now, she couldn't say the same.

"Too bad. Even if someone gets a hold of that trinket, I've already forgiven you." said Danielle and turned around once she felt a presence appear. It was Hayley who caught a glimpse of their conversation and was too shy to even eavesdrop. "Just get the white oak, Niklaus." She hung up, directing her attention to Hayley. "Need something?"

"Just spoke with Elijah. He said he's going to distract Aya, Aren't you going?" She asked, ready to stop Danielle if she even thinks about leaving the Abattoir.

But what surprised the hybrid was that Danielle shook her head, placing her phone in her pocket. "Elijah and Aya has history. Plus, I can't stand the sight of my brother's once old love." She shuddered, walking towards the table where there was bourbon.

"So you're staying here... doing what?" Hayley asked. She had just put Hope to sleep upstairs, and had a bit of time to talk to the Mikaelson in front of her. Truth be told, she had a lot of time on her hands which was unusual.

"I, uh, do you want me to leave?" said Danielle jokingly while she poured a dark-ish liquid to a small glass.

"Are you kidding? I think I'd kill you if you step out of the Compound." Hayley said and rounded the couch to join the Mikaelson who was secretly smiling.

"I'd keep my promise of staying in the safe lane for now." The Original assured, screwing the cap back to close the bourbon. She then turned to look at Hayley with a small and disgruntled smile. "Even if I want to rip the Strix to shreds."

"Which you won't be able to do since you are going to stay here..." Hayley reminded, grabbing the glass out of her hand swiftly. "sober." She smiled.

Ofcourse, like always, Danielle didn't whine or protest and let Hayley do what she wanted. Which was stealing a perfectly good alcohol and setting it aside for no one to drink. "Okay besides pulling me out of day drinking," She started and Hayley chuckled, shaking her head. "What do you propose I do?"

"You can always take care of Hope." She suggested, pointing her index finger upwards. "Although she's asleep- So I guess you're stuck with me."

"I don't see what's the problem in that." Danielle lightly shrugged her shoulders making the Marshall look down with pink-ish cheeks. "Okay, Ms. Marshall, what do you have to do to make me stay here?"

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