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-Narrator's perspective-

Even with the Strix's many long line of ancient vampires, they were not immune to the death of an original. Each and every one is descended from on of the Original Family. Either Elijah or Danielle Mikaelson. Thanks to them, they are part of a league of vampires with strength and the title of being one of the world's oldest immortal. Half of the Strix is sired to Elijah, and half to Danielle. When Danielle died, so did they.

It was a complete shock to Aya, Marcel and the others when their comrades started to die at the same time. Leaving them with the others, Elijah's sirelings. It got Aya fuming and yelling at one of the vampires, "Find out what happened. Now!"

Marcel managed to slip away from the Strix. Their plan of desiring Elijah and Danielle to them got paused as soon as many vampires died. Once he entered the Mikaelson Compound, he couldn't believe that it was so silent. One could mistake that no one even occupies this home. But when Klaus sped to him, the bags under his eyes were dark and he was hoping it was one of the Strix so he can kill them. But it was only Marcel who looked clueless.

"Marcellus. What in god's name can we do for you?" He questions gloomily, the glass of bourbon on his hand he swirled around.

"I just witnessed a dozen vampires die. What the hell happened?" He asked, looking around and tried to hear either Elijah or Danielle's voice but it was too silent.

"Oh- you haven't heard? My psychopathic ex girlfriend shot my sister in the heart." He informed, gulping down the remaining of bourbon he was holding. Marcel widen his eyes, asking how and why did that happened.

Danielle was roaming around the Compound, trying to get a clear mind. It has been quiet in New Orleans ever since Davina was sacrificed in the cemetery. She was full of blame for the girl dying and the Harvest didn't work. It was late at night and she only goes out this late when she's certain Elijah and Klaus is asleep.

But her dull thoughts were interrupted when she suddenly felt the urge to hault just in front of Hayley's room. Danielle held in her breath, hearing a chair rock 'n forth backwards. The Original presumed that Hayley was still awake. When the pregnant werewolf inside was mumbling a few words, it confirmed her suspicions.

"...ou need to stop kicking so we can both fall asleep." Hayley cooed in frustration to her stomach, sighing when the baby was still energetic this night. "Just my luck, huh?" She hummed, a small smile on her face even in her exhausted figure.

Danielle lets out a genuine smile, looking at the closed door in awe. It was probably one of the best memory she has had with Hayley in that terrible week.

Hayley was breathing shallowly, sitting besides a fully desiccated Mikaelson. Just seeing Danielle die temporarily was hurting her and now she's actually dead made her feel even worse. 'Just my luck...' She thought. First Jackson, now Danielle?

At first, when Hayley had processed the fact that Danielle was killed by a white oak, she didn't know what to do. Should she go back to her daughter, should she break down and cry? Neither of this was what happened. Hayley unclenched her jaw, letting her tears flow uncontrollably while she sat on the deceased Original's bed. She had her hand against her closed eyes while she sobbed, the pain in her heart became too much for her to handle.

The feeling of blaming herself came at view. The last time she and Danielle talked was too dull and not a good set to take off goodbye. Hayley was too guilty on having Danielle by her side when Jackson just died. By the female hybrid being there with her was suffocating and it made her want to push Dani away and she did. By what she's done, she regretted it very deeply.

"It's stupid. I know." Hayley breathed out, looking up while she controlled her cries to a minimum. "I know you're coming back- I do." She added, now looking at Dani's pale face in full emotion. "I'm sorry for pushing you away. I shouldn't have..."

[1.17: Moon Over Bourbon Street (25)]
"Would you like to dance?" She asked and placed the glass on her hand on the table.

Taking the chance, Hayley held her hand and Danielle lead her to the dance floor and smoothly swaying to the slow melody. It was then that Hayley had the courage to speak, minding on how close they were.

"It's been a month, Dani. When will you start talking to me like a decent human being?" She said softly making the Mikaelson look away for a second.

"I don't know if you've noticed, this is me acting like a decent being. Exclude the human part." Danielle informed, looking genuinely to her green eyes. Trying her best not to fall back to a trance. "And I have been speaking to you everyday."

"In a phonecall- and you don't even say a complete sentence when you do answer your phone." Hayley whispered to stop herself from creating ruckus. She sighed and cleared her throat. "Did me leaving made an actual difference here?"

Danielle held in the need to exhale frustratingly and just shook her head while looking at her in a more softer look. "You wanted to find your family, Hayley. I'm just simply letting you do what you please. I'm not like Nik, I won't keep you locked up in this compound."

"But why avoid me? I call you more than 3 times and you only pick up once." Frustrated, Hayley questioned. She studied how Danielle kept looking the other way. "See? Can't even look at me."

Hayley shook her head, an ironic smile caught her lips over remembering that day. "You were so stubborn that day... We both were." She whispered, tracing circles on the back of Danielle's hand which she was holding.

Right there and then was when Hayley vowed to never let Danielle slip between her hands ever again. If she ever does, it will be the death of her.

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