𝟺.𝟷𝟶: 𝙿𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚚𝚞𝚎 (𝟷𝟷𝟿)

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-Narrator's perspective-

Losing a brother who was doomed to be an immortal for all eternity. Danielle never feared that she'll lose her siblings who was unkillable, like herself. But her own words turned against her when Finn died. When Kol died- and now Elijah did so too. Good part was, some of them came back. One didn't and Finn was the unlucky one. And Danielle didn't want Elijah to be unlucky as well.

Stomping inside, Klaus Mikaelson was feeling restless. Especially when he saw his own brother die, who wouldn't be. "Rebekah and Kol just landed. I assure them we're mere moments from returning our brother to life. Don't make me a liar."

"I can't resurrect Elijah until I'm certain his mind is whole." Freya informs, being one that didn't rest until she plans a way to make Elijah's soul perfectly safe in the Pendant.

"Well, you saved Dani with that very trinket. What's the problem?" He asks.

"When that Pendant was shattered, Elijah's mind shattered with it. He's most likely retreated the innermost core of his consciousness. If I try to bring him back now, we'd might as well have another amnesiac sibling in our hands. That didn't go very well the last time it happened, didn't it?" Freya exhaled in stress, looking at the table full of mystical objects that she would use later. "If I try fixing the pendant before finding him and healing his mind, he'll be permanently fractured, like casting a broken bone before it's been properly set."

"Spare me the medical analogies and fix him!" Klaus raises his voice and demanded his sister for what they all want.

Hayley looked at Danielle who felt an incoming argument. "I need to go inside and find him. Once I'm sure his mind is stable, then I can fix the Pendant." Freya bad also changed her tone by Klaus' attitude. Which made her sister hold her shoulder, giving her a look when Freya spared her a glance.

"Well, then stop talking and get in there." He rumbles on with a fiery eyes.

"Klaus, take a walk. Get some air, let her work. Please." Hayley advices and the Original looks at them for a second before retreating, most likely going upstairs to where Elijah's body is. "Can't you transfer his soul in that other pendant like what you did with Elle?"

"No, it's much more complicated. Even if I managed to find Elijah in his fragility, fix the pendant, we'd still have to find the one Dani has. And we don't have the time to search this place when our enemy is resurrected and Elijah's in danger." She explained, tilting her head to the side to easen her muscles. "Moving his soul would just make it worse."

"Can you do this?" Danielle questions to her sister. "Perhaps a break, you've been working day and night."

"No, I'm fine." She assured, sighing. Could finally breathe properly without Klaus watching her every move every second. "We were also like this when you got shot with the white oak. Klaus' list of demands on bringing you back kept coming."

"And like me, Elijah will be brought back." She said, couldn't find the strength to smile. Danielle looks towards the archway, needing to be with her brother. "I have another job to do, if you'll excuse me." She clears, walking past Hayley and intended to go upstairs.

Before she could join her brother to the study, She felt her wrist being tugged making her stop and turn around. "Wait." Hayley stops her, the Mikaelson asking if she needed something. "Are you okay?"

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