𝟹.𝟷𝟺: 𝙰 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚌𝚊𝚛 𝙽𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚍 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚛𝚎 (𝟿𝟹)

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-Narrator's perspective-

After an emotional yet, needed day for the Mikaelsons to reconcile, Klaus felt like he could finally breathe normally upon knowing that his sister knows him. It was tough having to live with the possibility of having a part of you not recognize you. What scared Klaus the most was that their family might befall on its own because of their ways. It almost did when no-memory Dani went scowering for answers on her own, instead of her brothers and sister telling her the whole truth.

Danielle held no grudge against them with it, knowing that they had good intentions. Especially now that she could control her emotions and skills better rather than being a newbie hybrid all over again.

"I finally know you. But this certainly doesn't scream Klaus Mikaelson."

Their dinner table was full of food that looked like they were having a feast consisting of hundreds of people but no. It was only their small family. Incomplete but was full of joy unlike what they experience these past year fill with people trying to kill, capture them.

Even the atmosphere was lighten up, masking the dull and cold walls around them.

"You can't go wrong with a classic dinner. Perhaps it should be a celebration since we got you back now, did we." He pointed out, hands on each side of him in a spread. "Tonight we will eat together like family but tomorrow we will fight like one as well."

"I don't know why I bother- It's not like I can say no." Danielle exhaled, pulling a chair to sit down on.

"You're right. You're trapped." Freya walked inside, feeling more at peace now that there were no threats (as of this moment) towards her siblings and her. Unless you count Aurora with the white oak bullets. Besides, the redheaded vampire hasn't made her move in a month.

"I was already trapped in this family since the beginning."

Soon enough, their dinner table was now full with everyone present. Klaus was sitting at the head of the table at the very end. From where he is, on his left was Danielle besides Hayley and then Hope. From Klaus' right was Elijah and then Freya who was smiling from ear to ear like the rest. Their family might not be complete but atleast they wore a decent smile and feeling.

The rest of the night contained Klaus recalling past memories of him and Elijah fooling around towards their little sisters Dani and Rebekah to piss them off. It was full on entertaining for Hayley and Freya who hadn't know it and just found small pieces of their gloomy past. But it wasn't to bring down the mood but to make it alight again. The past month was about bringing Danielle back which was hard for the siblings and Hayley. When they got her back, they couldn't help but feel rejoice.

After Elijah trying (but failed) to arm wrestle with Niklaus without their vampiric natures, Hayley laughs and rests her head on Dani's shoulders who got amused by her brother's selfless schemes to make them all laugh. Under the table where no one would see but them was Hayley interlocking her hands together with Danielle who did nothing but that while having a warm smile.

The doting aunt she is, Freya was already besides Hope and keeping the little girl entertained while her siblings were laughing in the background. Her eyes caught Hayley whispering something to her sister which made the female original laugh. Freya found herself smiling at the scene and as well as taking note of how the two were holding hands under the table. It was already obvious the two loves each other but it was still very heart warming to witness.

"This is completely mad- I want a do-over. Now!" Elijah commanded playfully, pointing at Klaus who nonchalantly agreed, knew that he'd win again.

While the rest of the Mikaelsons were either asleep or resting, the youngest one was pretty much hyperactive and wouldn't fall asleep. Danielle didn't even mind as she played with her little niece, wondering why Hope was full of smiles today. Was something different?

For the past month, Hope missed her Aunt Dani. Not the one who doesn't know how to feed but the one who looked after her since the day she was born.

Danielle was sitting on the wooden floor and kept a close eye on Hope who was playing with her toys on the carpet. The hybrid chuckled, mainly focused on the baby who wasn't tired. Danielle didn't (for a first) notice Hayley walking in the room, hair soaked just as she finished taking a bath and getting dressed. Just by the scenery of her daughter and Danielle together brought a warm smile to Hayley's face.

It hasn't been that way since Dani wasn't aware of who she was. In fact, the whole family was happy to have her back. Other than the fact that Jackson was gone, Hope felt like two people disappeared in her life this month.

"I told you to put her to sleep." Hayley spoke and grabbed Danielle's attention who glanced her way. Ultimately, the Mikaelson's ears turned lightly red seeing Hayley in that way.

"She's stubborn like her mother." Danielle explained, scratching the back of her neck and looked away from Hayley, flustered.

"You always say that." said Hayley and walked towards the two, mainly kneeling down besides Danielle.

"Because it's true." The original hybrid countered, looking up to Hayley's eyes besides her. "I can go if you need to put Hope to sleep already. It's kind of late as well." She suggested, not wanting to bother.

However, Hayley shook her head. "It's cute seeing you and Hope get along. My daughter and-" She stopped, realizing what she was about to say. "...And her aunt."

"Is that what I am?" Danielle asks with a secretive grin on her face which Hayley couldn't see.

"What else would you be?" Hayley asks, trying to get out of the situation that she placed herself in.

"You tell me." The Mikaelson says, placing herself between the lines just to face Hayley. The two were close to each other, noses merely touching if one moves. "Until them I'll remain my place." At this point, Dani was about to stand up but Hayley held her wrist firmly making her stop.

"Dani." She warns making the Original suffice a smile. "You can't do that."

"Hayley, Hope is just besides us." Danielle reminds and could just groan when Hayley backs away in realization. Now she wondered why she said that.

"Stay here." Hayley whispers and picks up her daughter, leading her to the Nursery. Impatiently but carefully, Hayley sets Hope down in her crib and places a few small pillow besides her.

Danielle stood up, exhaled and dusted her pants off dirt considering she just sat on the floor. She never really understood the meaning to wait but she did as such patiently.

"She's asleep... barely." Hayley said with a hushed voice, silently closing the door to Hope's room. She walked to Danielle who stood in the middle of the room. The two remained quiet until Hayley reached the Mikaelson. "That means you should be quiet."

"I think it's the opposite, love." Danielle counters and Hayley pulls her in, catching her lips eagerly with hers. She takes off Hayley's jacket without breaking contact, breathing heavily.

Eagerly, Hayley used her supernatural speed and pushed Danielle on the bed, getting on top of her. The Marshall sat up for a moment to take off her shirt and Danielle took the advantage by flipping them over, planting chaste kisses down Hayley's exposed neck.

Hayley had her fingers tangled in the other's hair, breathing deeply into Danielle's ear. Their hearts were visibly beating loudly than usual and that was the only thing they could hear in the dim room. Soon enough, Danielle
re-connected her lips with Hayley.

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