𝟹.𝟾: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕 𝙸𝚗 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙾𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 (80)

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-Narrator's perspective-

When Hayley had the few minutes in retrospect to torture Estella, she requested to have whatever time she had with the vampire alone. She didn't want Danielle's older sister hearing how she asks questions about her and Danielle. It was too weird and personal when you put it like that. To be honest, Hayley was dreading for answers about Rebekah and what Danielle was feeling towards Estella.

It has been years but why did the Mikaelson act like she still loves the vampire? It was pure jealousy that Hayley was feeling and she didn't like it. The urge to relieve all the stress she's been carrying since the thanksgiving dinner and it was only yesterday. With all the arguments with Jackson and now Danielle's ex lover coming back? There was only so much she could handle.

"I've duped your body full of my toxin, Talk." Hayley warned, wiping the corners of her lips
off of blood while the vampire beneath her was panting in pain. "Where the hell is Rebekah?"

"I've had centuries to be alive, Hayley." Estella said, grinning from ear to ear in satisfaction to how annoyed the woman in front of her looked. "I'm prone to torture."

"It still hurts like a bitch, huh?" She countered, crossing her arms and tried her best to act like the girl didn't faze her. But, ofcourse, she failed. Estella clicked her tongue, cocking her head to the side in agreement. "I don't know why Dani wouldn't want to hurt you but I can. And I can do a lot worse than biting you. Tell me where Rebekah is."

"I'd rather talk about Danielle." said Estella
and already sensed that Hayley did from the beginning. "Sorry, It sounded from here that you did." she stated again as a fact which only added more fuel to the fiery blaze.

"Talk. Before I find ways to make you." She threatened, resting her posture on where she stood afront with the bleeding vampire in front of her.

Estella frowned, "You know, I don't see what precious Dani sees in you." She started to speak and just by it, Hayley was already beginning to be annoyed again. "When you chose another man over her, it was already a red flag."

"You don't know what you're talking so I suggest you don't mention her name." Hayley warded off with a glare which only pushed the Auclair to the brink of amusement. There was only one reason why she married Jackson- one. And it does not involve any romantic feelings towards him. The only person she loves was Danielle and only her.

"When I aim to kill someone, I have someone target their every move." She informed and was true for the most part. Estella had a loyal member of the Strix to her demands. To be clear of the facts, she and Tristan has always been great friends. When he needed someone's opinion other than his sister, he finds Estella. It was no longer a surprise he would trust her to order around some of the vampires in the Strix.

"You know, you sound a bit like Danielle when you throw your petty threats at me." She added more.

"Rebakah. Where." Hayley asked one more time, having no more interest in talking of this topic. Even though a majority of her was aching to talk about it.

"Well, you see, like I told a very beautiful and intelligent hybrid-" She started making Hayley roll her eyes of her choice of words. It was only to gain a reaction from her and when Hayley did, Estella smiled all annoying-like.
"-She was a means to and end. Don't look at me like that. Like I killed your cat."

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