𝟸.𝟸: 𝙰𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙺𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 (38)

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-Narrator's perspective-

To this very particular reason is why Danielle needed to stay sane. If her own family won't- except Elijah- who will even keep this family up. Her eyes trailed on the paw prints that was laced with blood, leading to Hayley's room. An eventful sigh escaped her lips as she followed it, hoping that what she is thinking of the bloody paw prints isn't what she is.

Then again, her hopes were crushed when her eyes landed on a mutilated body. Blood was spilled everywhere and it doubled down on the original hybrid's disappointment. It was no secret that a wolf did this. Given the dead body and the paw prints that suddenly had human ones in.

The only person who would bloody murder someone like that was her brother, Klaus. But then again, her brother was not fond of shifting to a wolf so she settled the score to Hayley. When her ears heard a faucet running upstairs, Danielle sped to it and what she saw didn't even surprise her anymore.

With Hayley laying on a bathtub and by the door was another woman, brutally dead. "Come to check up on me?" She asked, not looking on who just walked in.

"Fun day?" Danielle asked, not going in further in the bathroom for her privacy.

"I was having a crappy day... so Klaus took me to the Cauldron. We ran into some witches." She replied and saw a slight annoyed look on the Mikaelson's face.

"Fantastic. Does it kill you clean up?" The original asked, stepping in the room and walked past the dead girl. But once she did Hayley, out of nowhere, stood up with no clothes on. Danielle didn't look anywhere but her eyes and took the towel on the nearby chair, handing it to the naked woman in anger of her behavior.

Hayley took it. She was slightly disappointed that the girl didn't show any discomfort or anything. She wanted a reaction but instead, she got a towel. "Oh, don't judge, Dani. What I did is no worse than anything Klaus has ever done." Hayley stepped out of the tub and wrapped the towel around her body.

"I would just think you're better than Niklaus." She simply said, slightly looking down to the green pair of eyes.

"I'm a hybrid now. I have a werewolf temper to go with my new appetite." She said, not having any sort of remorse. Hayley looked behind her to the dead witch. "And the witches that tried to kill my baby, they're worth nothing more than food. Excuse me." Well assured, she walked past a secretly distressed original hybrid who watched her leave.

"You let her go on a witch hunt?" Danielle questioned in a much more calmer voice. After the conversation with Elijah, she was feeling much better than earlier. She was not one to tell but if it involves on what will happen to Hayley, she absolutely had every right to get help.

"I simply wanted to persuade those witches to locate the white oak stake for me. When they proved unable to do so... I let Haylet have her fun." He explained, not taking his eyes off the book on his hands.

Finally, Elijah spoke up. "She grows more savage by the day. Can you not see that she is falling apart?" He asked.

"Perhaps the problem is both of your high standards. Hayley is one of us now. Being a vampire only exaggerates what you truly are... and wolves are wild things." He looked up to meet the impatient look of both of his siblings faces. "She knows she can never live up to the pretty little picture you paint of her in your head. Your judgment only hurts her more."

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