𝟷.𝟿: 𝚁𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗 𝙸𝚗 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙾𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 (12)

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-Narrator's perspective-

When Hayley won't answer any of Danielle's messages, calls or voicemails, the hybrid took it upon herself to check up on her inside the compound. The human factions are meeting in an hour or two so it gave Danielle the time to check on Hayley for not telling her she's not kidnapped again.

As she arrived in the compound, Hayley was walking inside a hallway, much more darker and discreet place. Danielle exhaled, following the girl in there and to her surprise, she heard Hayley's footsteps hault, sensing someone following her.

Just as Danielle was right behind her, Hayley turned around and raised her fist up, ready to hit whomever it was but stopped just inches away from Danielle's face. The hybrid didn't bother on holding her hand to stop the incoming assault.

"Stop sneaking up on me." She hissed, stepping back and looked to her side where Davina and Josh is. Hayley gave them a silent look, telling them to hide which they did hurriedly.

"I'd stop if you picked up your bloody phone." Danielle said and walked past her, wondering why Hayley arrived in this part of the compound. She looked towards the vehicles and no one was there. "Do you want me to actually lock you in your room?"

Hayley clicked her tongue, making Danielle look at her so that the other two people in here won't get caught. She didn't even know why the vampire and witch is here of all places and was about to find out before Danielle snuck up on her.

"I left my phone upstairs." She lied which Danielle obviously saw through it. The hybrid walked towards her, hand going inside Hayley's pocket and grabbing the werewolf's phone quickly.

"So much as leaving it upstairs. Don't even say it's dead." She countered, opening the phone to see it was half of its percentage. Hayley took it off her hands, stubbornly not wanting to meet the half breed's eyes. "Next time, just answer my calls."

When she turned around and walked away, Hayley stopped her. "Where are you going?" She questioned in frustration, Danielle clearly about to go back to ignoring her again.

"You don't need to worry about that." Danielle informed, didn't stop walking and just sped off to her brother and Marcel.

Hayley clenched her fist in annoyance, dropping it and turned her attention to the two kids who witnessed their little argument. She focused more on talking to them than thinking about the hybrid who invaded her thoughts day and night.

The truth on why she didn't answer all of Danielle's calls was because Hayley wanted to talk to her, properly this time where they won't be interrupted. Jokes on her because only then she found out that the hybrid was busy today.

Only more as she just wanted to see Danielle.

"Actually, I called it." Klaus made his presence known, walking inside Rousseu's to find the human faction all sat in their seats obediently. "It appears I made a grave error during our earlier conference. My friend Marcel offered me wise councel, and I failed to heed it."

The head of the human faction had a winning smile, thinking he had made the vampires know their place. "Well, I'm glad to hear you've learned your lesson."

"Oh, I won't be making that mistake again. Danielle, Marcel." Klaus called and the two got inside to attack them.

Marcel stabbing their leader in the neck with the knife on the table, Danielle shoving her hand inside a random human's chest, taking his heart out and tossed it on the table. The rest who were alive screamed in fear.

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