𝟹.𝟷𝟾: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚕 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚂𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚜 (𝟿𝟿)

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-Narrator's perspective-

When they have had a few days to reinforce, think and plan ways on how to defeat the Upgraded Vampire, Lucien, The Mikaelsons placed the lease of their home under Freya's name so no one can come in. The witch doing her best to find a way how to kill their enemy.

But someone is a little too impatient like always... "I'm supervising. How else to speed up your endeavors? Let's see, perhaps I should bring Vincent here, force him to aid you by removing his legs." Klaus suggested while Freya was working with tons of parchement in front of her.

"Vincent doesn't know how to kill Lucien either. Besides, if he leaves the St. James, who knows what the Ancestors will make him do next." Freya said and continued on working.

"Ancestors are thoroughly occupied, according to Davina, terrorizing our brother Kol." Elijah and Danielle came in the room to give out this information.

"What a surprise. Another day, another witch-inspired vendetta." said Klaus with a spit of sarcasm.

"Davina says she can handle Kol so far now, we should focus our energy on Lucien and probably Aurora." Danielle says, looking at her siblings. Truth be told, she hasn't slept for days since the paranoia of her whole family getting slaughtered over did her dreams.

Elijah agreed, "How do we demolish that rodent?" He asks Freya who sighs, getting asked that question atleast a hundred times a day.

"I'm working on it."

"Yes. Well, we all have our roles to play. Elijah and Danielle can stay here and oversee whatever it is Freya's doing. I'm going to actually accomplish something." Klaus announced and was already walking past his siblings.

"Brother, accomplishing something might-"

"-The time for talking is done!" Klaus cuts off before storming out the Abattoir, leaving them be to find bloodshed with Lucien Castle.

Danielle sighs, settling herself down on the couch as she knows it will be long before they accomplish anything. Her worries went elsewhere within her siblings and to Hayley. These days, her thoughts was always about her ever since she came back a few days ago. To put it out plainly, Danielle will always worry. It's kind of odd for her not to.

Even though she knew she shouldn't get to talk to Hayley alone, didn't trust herself on what could she do, she wanted to. Thanks to the very large distraction of an Upgraded Original on the loose, she has other things like that to worry about. Danielle maintained her jurisdiction on protecting the one's she loves.

Even if some of them were suicidal to go outside like Niklaus. Nonetheless, Klaus was always daring and had no fear to take on his enemies even if they were stronger than him.

"Freya, we are out of time." Elijah said as he was pacing around the room for the past hour since Klaus left. His words brought Danielle back to reality after thinking too much in her head.

"The sigil is a complicated magical symbol, weaponized and condensed to its most potent form. If I combine the right elements, we'll have a chance at stopping Lucien, and if I don't..." She trailed off, letting get the point.

A loud banging by their gate was heard. Danielle stood up, joining Elijah to check on who it was with Freya as well. Downstairs, Hayley was the first one to caught Camille knocking.

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