𝟻.𝟷𝟶: 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙸𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙻𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 (𝟷𝟺𝟸)

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-Narrator's perspective-

When Hayley and Danielle came home, they weren't expecting things to be worse than how they left it. In no time to spare, Hayley was trying to console her daughter, being with her when she almost spun out of control. Trying to convince her that torturing Roman won't change anything nor will it lessen the pain. Even though she was angry at Klaus for agreeing with torturing Roman, she made Danielle promise her that she'll talk to Klaus about it. And she did.

"Do you honestly believe that it won't affect Hope's conscience for the rest of her life?" Danielle asks, watching her brother pace in front of her. It's what he do when he gets pressured or caught doing something terrible. "Brother, I know you're trying to help her. We all are. But this isn't in her best interest."

"I don't know what else to do here, Dani." He confesses. Not lashing out, just... simply wanted a break and for his daughter to live without a worry in life. "She said it herself, violence made her feel calmer. I saw it as well when he strung Elijah around, making him bleed."

"Torturing that boy will make her feel worse." She says, making him stop and sigh deeply. Danielle didn't know what to do as well, utterly worried for the well-being of her niece.

"What do you propose we do? Let her suffer because of that dark magic? Alone?" Klaus beckons, voice raising by every word he said. Danielle knows everyone could hear them in the study which didn't plea her case.

"Let Hayley talk through to her. And Hope is not alone. She has her mother and you." She complies, calming her brother which kind of worked. Klaus was stressed, mind filled with many many things. "Try not to anger her. Hayley, I mean. I'm afraid I did too much in Italy."

Klaus arched his eyebrow, eyes narrowed to her intently. "Why, What happened?" He questions and before Danielle could say anything, he went ahead. "She found about the secrets you've been keeping from us? Estella Auclair being alive?" Klaus brought up and Danielle sighs.

"Had a feeling you knew." She whispers. "But it's not what you think. It's not Estella. Her name's Elaine Light. I only just found that she is a descendant of the Auclair family. The reason why she resembles Estella too much." Danielle explains vividly.

"I can't say I'm not upset for you not telling me. But I think you already have your hands full with Hayley being angry towards you." He sits down on the couch, gestured for her to do so as well to talk. Danielle sat across from him, leaning back on the sofa with a sigh. "You got to give her time."

"I don't think I need to." Danielle defeatedly says. Although she wanted to fight for Hayley, win her heart back... something was holding her aback. "It's complicated, Nik. I want her to be happy. But every time I come across her, I fear I upset her in a way."

"Sister." He calls, catching her full attention. "Do you remember when you kept avoiding her, told me and Elijah it's whats best for Hayley... A few years later you said you regretted doing that."

"She's moved on." She said in a broken voice, meeting his eyes halfway. "Audelia once sent me a voice message. A conversation of her and Hayley talking." Danielle chuckles shortly, dry and humourless. "Hayley said she moved on. I imagine she was happy before I showed up. Found a man that could make her feel happy, less than what I did."

Klaus looks down, pity for his baby sister who was feeling like this. And all he ever wanted was for her to be happy. He believed her being with the woman she loves does that. "Believe me when I say, she is better off with you. Declan might make her smile but you make her feel alive. No one has ever been to do that except you. I know it."

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