𝟷.𝟷𝟷: 𝙰𝚙𝚛𝚎̀𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚒, 𝙻𝚎 𝙳𝚎́𝚕𝚞𝚐𝚎 (14)

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-Narrator's perspective-

Danielle was having her morning drink of bourbon, leaning on the ledge of her balcony while many tourists and locals of New Orleans walked in the street in below of her. She even caught glimpses of humans gawking over her but she didn't pay much attention to it.

What she did pay attention to was the ground that she very well stood as of this moment is shaking making her drop the glass on her hand, breaking it instantly. She used her vampire speed and got inside the Lounge where Elijah and Hayley was.

"What the hell is happening?" She asked, looking around and many books were clattering down the carpet of theirs.

All in while the earthquake stopped, everything went silent. The three only looked at each other, being confused and unsettled by their natural disaster of this normal world.

Danielle was peacefully about to walk back inside her room, wanting to not meet any of her siblings because everyone pissed her off lately.

With Rebekah's ploy to capture her and make her rot with Klaus besides her, Elijah's assumptions of their brother on using the baby for Klaus' army, Klaus killing a teen and almost killing Davina.

To say the least, she had an awful couple of months going back in New Orleans. She even thought about leaving this place for good. With all of her sibling always disappointing her but her head keeps reminding her about the vow she made. Always and Forever was an awfully long time.

She got pulled into an empty room, having familiar to the scent Hayley was wearing. Danielle kept in her annoyance and looked at Hayley, about to ask what was it.

"I did something terrible." She confessed, making Danielle hold in her breath, dropping every awful emotions she had.

"I'm sure it isn't that terrible." Danielle soothed, looking around the dusty room making her frown while Hayley explained.

"Sophie wanted me to find Celeste's remains." She started, already making the hybrid snap her attention to her immediately. "I thought it meant nothing. I really did. She told me that she could reverse the curse that the werewolves in the bayou had."

Danielle dropped her stern and cold look. She knew how much Elijah loved Celeste. He promised her that she would be in peace- that no one will ever find her remains. If at Hayley's betrayal towards Elijah, he's definitely furious.

"He'll come around." She assured, her hands inside the pockets of her jacket while she walked towards Hayley who had her gaze on the floor.

"Did he come around you after all that
baby-making-hybrid mess was over?" Hayley questioned, a whisper enough for to the other to hear perfectly.

The words made Danielle froze. She shook her head, snapping out of her trance. "He will with you." She assured, smoothly avoiding the real question.

"I hope so." The Marshall said, closely studying Danielle's behavior.

Another earthquake errupted making the few of many boxes near them rattle. One was dangerously close to Hayley, about to fall on her head when Danielle pulled her out of the way, placing her to a safer space in the middle of the room.

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