𝟻.𝟽: 𝙶𝚘𝚍'𝚜 𝙶𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚃𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝟷𝟹𝟽)

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-Narrator's perspective-

Danielle had already finished getting dressed for the funeral before someone had rang her phone. By surprise to herself, she thought it was Audelia. Which made her heart sink lower than it could ever do. Audelia was the only person who would call her, the only number she hasn't ignored. The action made her miss her more, leading her to remember difficult memories.

But she shook it away, answering whoever it was. To her surprise, it was Marcel. "Hey, I need a favor."

"I'm going to my niece, Marcellus. If I don't go she won't ever forgive me." She spoke, getting into her car, heading straight to New Orleans.

"It's about Elijah." He said and hoped it would catch her attention and it did. Danielle told him to continue. "He has a proposal. He's asking for the cure in exchange to get his memories back."

Danielle really needed her brother now more than ever than a stranger who let Audelia die. But she thought of Elijah being overwhelmed with guilt and that trumped that idea. "I'm assuming Nik said no to this little idea he has as well?" She says and she heard Marcel sigh on the other line but it wasn't for her.

"Elijah says he wants to see you. He also knows you two shouldn't be in a room together but-"

"-but nothing. That man isn't my brother. He's just a man who killed someone close to me. That, I can't forgive." She sneers but a part of her wanted Elijah back. The brother who was willing to go with her because he didn't want her to be alone. "Marcel, I don't know what I would do if I was in the same room as he is."

"He's persistent. Said you two are long overdue for a talk."

Danielle exhales, knowing that she would regret this. "Where are you?"

The plan was to console her niece over their loss but she just had to give in to talking to the man who occupied her brother's body. But she ended up on the outside of New Orleans, visiting someone who she hated the most. When she walked inside, she could hear the ghostly whispers ringing in her ears but she pushed it away. She had to admit, seeing that bite on her brother's neck redeemed her the satisfaction. Also on Greta's daughter, Antoinette.

"It was a wonder, Nik said you were in a perculiar state." She started, catching Elijah's attention who stood up. Danielle found him looking at Antoinette, worried which had infuriated her. "You requested for me?"

"Please. Your anger is with me." He says, sounding more and more like the Elijah she knows and loves. Danielle couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head.

"My anger is with both of you. Rest assured she'll die because of her mother's actions. And you'll still be alive because I take great pleasure knowing how much you love this woman." She says and Elijah knits his eyebrows together. "What? Still think I'll heal your precious love? Keep hoping, Elijah."

The candles outside the cell were snuffed out, dark vines came crawling out the window as the wind grew harsher. Danielle inhales deeply, knowing she can't stay long. Before she could leave, Elijah calls, "Saraphina." He calls desperately enough. Danielle clenches her jaw, walking back to him.

"You of all people can't call me that."

"Why not? That's your name, isn't it?" He says and the Mikaelson hybrid steps down. "When you talked to me back in France, that's what you told me to call you. You also told me that your family is complicated but you were willing to help them whatever the cost."

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