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-Narrator's perspective-

Deep and unending torment of losing a younger brother. That was what Danielle felt when she saw Kol Mikaelson get stabbed by the White Oak stake. Resentment. Anger towards the vampires of Mystic Falls that lead to her rampage of their town. Nobody knows how to stop her. Not even her older brother, Klaus. But it's not like he'll stop her.

For years has she faced the wrath of her... not really father-like, Mikael. Has she been running alongside with her family, creating chaos and havoc every where they go. When they have stopped in a town of Mystic Falls, where they were born, everything changed.

Especially to those Salvatore brothers and their obsession with Elena Gilbert.

Though Danielle was known to be calm and fair, many still fear of the sound of her name. Even her own family gets frightened when she becomes lethal to anyone around her.

Nobody can get close enough to her except for her family. It all went crashing down when Hayley came into their lives, having Danielle's niece.

"Elijah?" She called, walking in the streets of a city she has yet to know. Her phone against her ear in one hand, the other of the inside of her coat pocket as she lazily follow the sidewalk.

"Little sister." He greeted over the phone, been too long since they have talked. "I need you to come home. It's a family emergency."

"Why? Did anyone else died?" Danielle asked, moreover joking. When she heard her brother sigh, she knew it was serious that lead to her to stop walking. "Where exactly is our home, Elijah? I'll be there."

The words of his little sister's concern brought a warm smile to his face. "New Orleans."

"New Orleans?" She asked just to make sure. "It's been hundreds of years since we ever went back there. May I ask why?" She asked, continued to walk to her apartment nearby.

"This may be difficult to hear, Saraphina, Our brother Niklaus got a werewolf pregnant."

When he said those words, Danielle, at first, wanted to laugh and commend his brother of making up a nice joke. But when she heard nothing more on the other line, her heart had dropped.

"That's impossible, brother. Vampires cannot pro create." She countered more, wondering what it's like having another member of the family with a small baby. It would be total bliss but far from easy.

"Yes but the witches of New Orleans has confirmed their suspicions. I, myself, has seen it. Even the werewolf girl." Elijah said, looking around the mansion as he spoke. "Will you come home? We need you."

The mere words of her brother made the girl smile. She sighed. "Ofcourse I'm coming home. Who knows what will Nik do once he knows. Does he know already?"

"No he hasn't. He will be in a few hours so, I need you here, Dani." He pleaded.

"You don't have to beg, Elijah. I'm already on my way." She smiled, pushing open her apartment door to get inside. "Don't let our brother kill the girl. I want to see it for myself."

"Yes ofcourse." Elijah spoke, already missing his half little sister. "I will see you soon, Dani."

"Goodbye Elijah." She hummed, hanging up the phone.

As she did, Danielle sighed, looking around her apartment floor. She hasn't seen her siblings for a couple of months, and now they have themselves in a bit of the knot.

Danielle always admired how they stuck by one another. A vow was made even before they became immortals. Has she not broken it over the years, She'll most definitely not break it in the near future.

"Oh, brother." Danielle sighed, packing up her bags as she did. "I'll see you soon." She placed the picture frame back in her luggage before closing it shut.

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