𝟸.𝟷: 𝚁𝚎𝚋𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑 (37)

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-Narrator's perspective-

In the course of Genevieve's spell that bounded Danielle's blood to the moonlight ring's power, she felt utterly useless. She's never left the compound ever since that baby Hope left. She didn't want to see any werewolves in the streets because who knows, she might just rip them apart piece by piece. Nobody really knows what goes beyond the walls of the home, only those who are living knows of it. As months past by, her strength is being depleted by every full moon that passes. It has no doubt pissed her off and needed what her brother also wanted. She needed to kill someone.

Nobody in the compound was smiling. Everyone was grieving but only one tried to keep the spirit of family. Elijah has been pushing his sister to go and accompany Hayley on coping. The conversation always ended up to an argument and sometimes, Elijah won it making Danielle talk to the hybrid.

It sometimes lead to Hayley channeling her frustration towards the original who didn't utter a word and just dealt with it like any other people would when someone loses their child. She listened to every single word of the angry and mourning Marshall, not doing anything. The two female hybrids was, at the times, getting in an emotional topic about Hope. The only thing Danielle could do was to listen, watch as Hayley spiral everyday of the months that has passed.

"She can handle herself, Elijah." Danielle said, walking to her table that got destroyed the night before. She picked up a few books that a lot of dust covered it all over, she dusted it off and placed it on the shelves nearby.

"Your room is a mess." He pointed out, looking around and everything is half destroyed.

"It's because I need to kill someone. Do you want me to kill you?" She asked a little more annoyed and walked towards the piano to grab the bottle of whiskey. "Has these past few months not taught you anything? Leave me alone unless someone is about to die." She didn't bother to pour the alcohol in a glass and drank it straight up from the bottle.

Clearing his throat, Elijah spoke yet again. "Didn't you make a promise to Hayley that you will be there for her?" He asked, wanting to hit a nerve, wanted to get a reaction but nothing.

"I know, Elijah. I have been there since the start and the only thing I can do is take the damn hits she's throwing." Danielle said and gripped on the neck of the bottle tightly. She exhaled deeply, letting go of the pressure. "Tonight is a full moon. We have a plan set in motion. Do you have anything else to add? If not, leave me be."

It was then that he complied, stepping back before turning around fully. Elijah exited her room and closed the door behind him, walking back to talk to his brother on an update over their sister. He didn't see how Hayley stepped out of the shadows and looked at the door where he just left. A rush of guilt washed through her in hearing the entire conversation occur. Her hearing was working a little too well and always ended up hearing Danielle argue with her brother for the past couple months.

When Elijah left, Danielle looked down on the ground, frustrated and wanted to hurt someone. Instead of doing what she wished, her hand gripped on the bottle and threw it on the wall. She breathed heavily, closing her eyes shut in the process. The glass scattered in the room, the liquid smeared on the dented wall.

The action inside the room made Hayley flinch, stopping her hand from twisting the doorknob. She could perfectly hear how the original inside the bedroom was breathing heavily. It took everything inside of Hayley to step back and leave the scene.

Last flame | Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now