𝟸.𝟷𝟾: 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝙷𝚊𝚜 𝙰 𝚃𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙴𝚢𝚎𝚜 (60)

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-Narrator's perspective-

Well it might have been a few weeks that she has been gone, it always feel great to be back home in the Abottoir. Only that there was a small argument in the dining area from when she just entered the compound. Ah, it's not home when there isn't anyone fighting between these walls. Now contemplating whether or not to join them or just settle in her room.

But the paranoid man he is, Klaus felt someone's presence enter his home and was ready to kill whomever it was. It made him speed in front of the supposed stranger but saw his sister instead.

"You look murder-y, brother." She said, a small smile on her face seeing how relieved her sibling looked. "Though, it is a very good reason to be angry right now, I guess."

"Well your arrival is much appreciated but you never called you will be arriving today." Klaus stated as a fact but secretly, he was overjoyed of her coming back home. "Reunion's over. The family has been planning to kill our Aunt Dahlia."

He informed, gesturing for her to come with and Danielle didn't had any choice. Especially seeing as her brother held her arm and lead them to the rest of the people. "Don't you all look uptight." Danielle greeted, shoving her brother aback for holding her forcefully.

And by her presence, they all looked towards the door and saw Danielle. All but Freya and Hayley was surprised to see her here. After the controversial topic of her leaving so abruptly without a word was discussed, Danielle could feel her frustration grew over time. But over time she learned to deal with it and just blab their words into oblivion. That was until her gaze kept flickering to Hayley, seeing her stare at her right back since the beginning.

But even after the secretive looks, Danielle tried her best not to mind it and listened closely to the conversation.

Then even with the overgrown and heated talks, Hayley recalled a certain conversation she had with Jackson the night of their wedding...

The night ended. People had gone home and the only people left inside the Abottoir was the ones who takes residence in it. Hayley was still in her wedding dress, yearning to have this conversation with her husband.

"Everybody's headed home. Now what?" She started, still on her feet while Jackson turner around to talk.

"Ah, oh. Wedding night. Awkward." He replied and they both lets out a chuckle. "Well, knowing you, I'm thinking you just want to stay up all night watching Hope sleep. That sounds good to me."

To it, Hayley walked besides him. "Jack. When I told you that the wedding was the right thing to do for our pack... there's something else I should've told you." She started and already felt bad for saying what needs to be said. "I should've told you that... when I first got to New Orleans... I was terrified. Pregnant. For a long time, basically alone. And then one night, A wolf appeared out of the woods and I knew I was safe. From the Moment I saw you, I knew I could trust you."

"You never made me feel ashamed about being a hybrid... or questioned why I had to lie to you about Hope." She added further.

"Well, I told you I love you. I meant it." Jackson said, looking away when he felt like being rejected.

Hayley nodded, "Yeah. And that's the first time anyone's ever said that to me." Then, here comes the resentment for herself and prepared to say it aloud. "But I'm sorry, Jackson. I... I don't feel the same way."

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