𝟹.𝟸: 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙷𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚗 (71)

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-Narrator's perspective-

When everyone in the Compound had settled down, Hayley and Niklaus was walking back down to join the others, Danielle fixed the collar of her shirt while it was getting a little tight for it to breathe. Mostly since it was dead silent.

"What happened? Is the curse broken?" Jackson asks, running up to his wife and holding her shoulder in concern. And the cycle of Danielle's torment keeps repeating unendlessly when she witnessed their interaction.

"I'll explain later. We're safe for now." She answered and looked down to the baby in her arms.

"Good for you. I'll have your bedroom made up." Klaus said and walking up to them.

"The only way that I will stay under your roof is if I'm in a coffin." Hayley fired, holding her daughter tightly to ensure that she will never be torn away from her.

"If you think I will allow Hope out of my protection for a second-"

"-What you'll allow doesn't matter, Klaus." She interrupted, gaze burning in his face very fiercely. "Welcome to the 21st century custody battle. Moms win them now."

Thay was when Elijah interrupted their fight. "If I may. The apartments across the street have recently been renovated. I might pay a visit to the management. The fact that Hope will never be out of earshot should assuage your incessant paranoia." He said the last one towards his brother.

"So we are to listen as my daughter is raised by savages." He replied, having no intention to watch Hope leave his sight.

"'Cause everyone here is so damn civilized?" Jackson pointed out bluntly while Klaus gave him an annoyed look.

"Brother, you created the problem. This might well be the solution." Elijah said as calm as he could and it managed to break apart Klaus' protective walls around his daughter.

"Put the place in Jackson's name." Hayley said while watching the male hybrid's reaction. Which was unbelievably looking at her. "Klaus won't be invited in." She said one last time before walking away, not missing the chance to see how Danielle was wiping her nose off blood.

At first, she was about to ask but Danielle was already gone in her sight. Hayley sighed, kissing the top of Hope's head before continuing to walk her way.

After Danielle calmed down, she looked down on the little box on her hand while she made her way to Hayley's old room. The one who sleeps- supposed to be sleeping- there was packing up her things to bring to the apartment across the street. The original knocked on the door and Hayley turned around to see her. "Are you okay?" She asks.

"I'm fine. Come in." Hayley said and the girl did just that while making her way to the Marshall who's packing up the clothes in a bag for Hope. "Jackson's gathering the pack to tell them to go back to their families. What's left of them." She cleared her throat.

"Elijah made the arrangements." Danielle said, holding up the sets of keys in her hand.

"Thank you for this." Hayley said, grabbing the clanking keys and their hands slightly touched making her breath hitched all of a sudden. "You know, there was a moment at the bonfire last year when I thought we would be okay, that Hope could be raised by a real family. For the first time, I was happy. I hate Klaus for taking that away from me."

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