𝟷.𝟷𝟼: 𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚘 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢𝚟𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎 (22)

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-Narrator's perspective-

With the night's crazed situation with Celeste stuck them inside the cemetery until the next moonrise, Danielle was besides her brother, Klaus, as they faced both of their original vampire siblings.

The two joined forces, Both Rebekah and Elijah knew they don't stand a chance especially with the white oak in Klaus' hands. Unlike Rebekah who would wallow in her room once she finds out that her greatest love was soon to be taken away from her, Danielle resorted to taking revenge with her brother besides her

"Walk away." Elijah warned, stepping forward to speak to the two hybrid's. One was completely insane and impatient.

"Don't move!" He warned, eyes still in his true nature of a hybrid while glaring at the two of them.

"Leave us now." Elijah said to his sister besides her who stared at Danielle and Klaus in fear of what they have decided to do as punishment.

"I can't. We're stuck here." She informed and Klaus pointed the stake at her. "Elijah, they have the white oak stake."

Lowering his voice, "I brought it for you, sister." He said and stepped forward to the two.

"Get out of his sight. Your presence here only serves to anger him. Leave them to me now." Elijah ordered his sister who left with a blink of an eye.

However, Danielle wasn't that much to forgive and forget so she sped past Elijah, running to get to her sister.

When Elijah was about to stop her, Klaus shoved him against one of the headstones near them. "Well isn't this exciting? We talk like decent siblings. Sister to sister, Brother to brother." Klaus taunted until Elijah pushed his brother off of him.

"Now, I'm asking you brother to brother. We end this nonsense now." He said, putting the blade he had on his hand up as a sign for both of them to give up. The only reason why Elijah let Rebekah run off with Danielle on her tail
was because, unlike Klaus, She didn't have the white oak stake.

"You would side with that traitor?" He asked in disbelief, pointing at the trail where his sisters used to leave.

"I am not choosing sides but I will not allow you to hurt our sister." Elijah said, a puff of visible cold air left his mouth as he did so.

"We cannot leave this cemetery, Elijah." He reminded and spreads his wide open for a second before letting it fall to his sides. "How long do you think you can defend her? As we speak, Danielle might be having her hand inside her chest as torture." Klaus threatened and sped to go to Rebekah.

Only to be stopped when Elijah knew it was coming so he blocked his trail. "As long as it takes. And by whatever means necessary." He answered his question in full confident of his words.

To stop herself from ripping Rebekah to shreds, she pursued her lips. "How long did you think we wouldn't find out of what you did? 100 years? 200? A thousand?" She pushed until Rebekah gave up.

"I get it." She spat making Danielle grin from where she was. "I made a mistake and I know that."

"Oh, you've done more than a silly mistake, little sister." Danielle said and resisting the urge to toss the blonde towards the concrete wall. "You almost played a hand in Niklaus' death, possibly mine."

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