𝟸.𝟺: 𝙻𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙻𝚎𝚝 𝙳𝚒𝚎 (41)

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-Narrator's perspective-

"I'm not just going to help the very people my mother orders around." Danielle said finally, walking down the two-step stairs to get to the bottle of bourbon in the side of the room. Behind her was Hayley who is trying to convince her. "As a matter of speaking, Why ask me?"

She questioned while unscrewing the cap on the bottle of alcohol. "Because you're you and I need the help I can get to convince Elijah."

"He's in Marcel's loft." Danielle informed, leaning behind the window bay while looking at the hybrid. "Training some newly turned vampires. I'm sure you can handle the rest." She said quickly and by her words, it made Hayley snatch the glass of bourbon in her hand.

"They're kids, Dani. I can't just sit back and watch them trigger their curse." She rationalized, placing the glass on the table again. "Please? It's Finn who wanted to send these kids head first into battle."

"Finn?" In a frown, she asked deeply surprised. "He can be malicious but..." She stopped and sighed, shaking her head unbelievably. "Where was that werewolf who needed help?"

On the way to Marcel's loft, Danielle couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. Everytime she speak a single word to Hayley, her skin felt like it's on fire. She settled on thinking about what happened a few nights before. Though they have never spoke about it, Danielle felt grateful that they never did.

As they've arrived, Aiden stayed back while the other two entered the loft. You can already feel the thick tension in the room by seeing Gia stuck her hand inside Elijah's chest.

"Apologies, are we interrupting?" Danielle questioned making them divert their attention to them. She held in the urge to tease her brother who looked surprised himself to see her here.

"We need to talk." Hayley said and walked down the stairs, crossing her arms while behind her entered Aiden. Just as he did, Gia was about to retaliate but Elijah stopped her while looking at the werewolf in a glare. "We're not here for a fight. Just hear him out."

"Speak. I suggest you be succinct." Elijah said directly to him.

"Please. I need your help." By his words, he looked desperate enough to ask his enemies for help. They all knew that by how he didn't want to make eye contact to anyone in the room.

When he explained further on why he asked them, Marcel, Josh and Oliver arrived to hear what will they be planning. In perspective, Elijah couldn't factor the fact that it was his older brother who orchestrated all of this mess. There was a time where he would deny of the horrible accusations towards his family but, it was part of his family who wanted him dead.

When Danielle's phone vibrated in her pocket, she took it out and read the message in her head. It was Klaus who texted her saying that he's off on a mission and wanted to know if she wanted to come. She contemplated whether to go or not but when she looked up to think, Hayley had her face full of determination. The Mikaelson exhaled and texted back saying she couldn't before listening in the conversation.

"The witch wants soldiers. So now, it's either join up or pay the price." Aiden said with his hands behind his back.

"I know our brother Finn to be Merciless. But I'll admit, this exeeds even my expectations." Elijah said looking over his sister who nodded in agreement.

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