𝟷.𝟷𝟺: 𝙻𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚆𝚊𝚢 𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕 (20)

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-Narrator's perspective-

"Call it off, are you mad?" Genevieve asked in full seriousness, disbelief of what her friend just requested to her.

"I was wrong. It was stupid and impulsive and it will ruin us, Genevieve." Rebekah said in a breathless manner, her own tears making her visions blurry. "Not just Klaus and Danielle but Elijah too. I risked tearing our family apart for my own, selfish happiness. I am begging you. Please. Don't bring Mikael here. If Klaus finds out what we have done, what you have done..."

"Klaus will kill me. He'll kill my entire family." Genevieve whispered, the fear spread freely on her face. It was clear to anyone who had a brain that she was scared.

"Which is exactly why I need you to undo it." The original repeated the very same thing she has been telling the witch.

Genevieve, in fear, spoke. "It doesn't work that way. There is no 'undoing it.' Mikael is coming. The only hope now is tell Klaus and Danielle the truth. Confess what we've done."

"That is not an option." This time, Rebekah raised her voice and completely against the idea. "He will dagger me and leave me in a box for centuries. You will not say a word."

That was when Genevieve realized what Rebekah did. It made her turn around and stepped away from the vampire in complete betrayal.

"You used me. This whole time, our friendship, all you wanted was a favor." She turned around and saddened that she got used. "And now, you want to take it back? Well, you can't. And I will not suffer because I was foolish enough to trust you." Genevieve tried to walk past her but Rebekah held her wrist to prevent her from doing so.

"It was a mistake. I know that, now. But that one mistake will destroy us." She warned seriously.

The witch chanted a spell quickly under her breath making Rebekah's grip on her loose and she groaned in pain. "You brought this on yourself. I will not be destroyed along with you. I will tell Danielle everything." She said.

Rebekah looked up, seeing the bloody cloth in the witch's pocket. She quickly sped to grab it and pushed Genevieve to a table, placing it to her nose. The mortal whimpered, looking complete distraught.

"I'm so sorry, Genevieve. But if you tell Danielle you summoned Mikael she will tell Niklaus, you're dead either way."

The door opened behind them. "Genevieve? Is everything all right?" A nurse walked in and saw the girl she was looking for having blood smeared on her chin. The bottle on her hand slipped away on her hands, facing the floor and shattered pieces were scattered.

To her dismay, Danielle's breath was shaking as she watched everything that went down. The truth on why her father found them in New Orleans was revealed. To sat the least, she was not happy.

"I'm sorry. I know how much this hurts. To see what she did. To see who she really is. But you needed to know. The two of you needed to know. You needed to see it. And now that you have, you and your sister can take your revenge. Our revenge." Genevieve was easy to say to Klaus, pulling the collar of her sleeve up. "Please. Go ahead. You'll need your strength for what comes next." She offered her blood solely.

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