𝟹.𝟺: 𝙰 𝚆𝚊𝚕𝚔 𝙾𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝚂𝚒𝚍𝚎 (74)

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-Narrator's perspective-

Once that Elijah, Hayley and Danielle arrived in the venue, they were greeted with many people and vampires around. Mostly it was people who were compelled to show them entertainment by dancing in the dance floor which caught many vampire's eyes. There was also feeding and they acted like this was all a normal thing. It is. For them.

When The Mikaelsons entered the room with Hayley by their middle, many immortal beings stopped what they were doing and looked at them. Danielle cleared her throat, turning around to join another room with the other two besides her.

"Why are they all staring at both of you?" Hayley asks, looking around and mostly for the girl that Danielle told her about before coming here.

"We're kind of a big deal around here." Elijah answered while they made their way to the go to where the drinks are.

"They're all part of your sire lines." The woman exclaimed in a hush whisper, looking over to the siblings who didn't had the right expression for tonight.

"Most of them, tragically, yes." He answered and looked around while explaining to her. "You see, Hayley, Me and Saraphina wanted to assemble minds curious about the world and eager to improve it, along with time and circumstances to do so. My desire was to create an elite brotherhood devoted to a new, better civilization. And Saraphina wanted protection from our father so we needn't be running anymore. It was naive. Eventually, we were forced to abandon them once I'd realized I'd cultivated a legion of egomaniacal sociopaths."

Danielle cheered to that before taking a sip of the champagne which was handed to her. "Hopefully, this night will come to an end before I have to talk to anyone unnecessary." She said, eyes searching for that familiar face.

"She wouldn't miss the chance to talk to you again, Sister." Elijah reminded her who rolled her eyes secretly. "Have you told Hayley

"-Who Estella is? She did." Hayley interrupted an irritating smile on her face once she saw how Danielle sighed. "I didn't get much but I can tell from your reactions that she's bad news."

"Certainly." Elijah said, a grin on his face and looked over his sister who inhaled sharply. "I will walk around. Leave you two alone. I'll come find you later on." He announced, stepping away from them when they nodded.

When he left, Danielle placed the glass down on the counter before holding her hand out to Hayley. "It's still a dance. Is it not?" She asked and the hybrid smiled lowly before holding her hand as they made their way to the dance floor.

Once they have started, Hayley was looking around and so was the Mikaelson in front of her. "So, where is this Tristan guy? I want to meet him for myself." She said but Danielle had much more pressing matters once she saw Marcel on the sidelines. Hayley asked what was wrong before following her gaze, hoping that it wasn't Estella and it wasn't. "What the hell is Marcel doing here?"

"Ofcourse..." Danielle muttered, slowly moving left and right while the girl in front of her follows her lead.

"What?" She asked, looking up to the pair of blue eyes she's yet to surrender to.

"It's not a party. This is an initiation." She answered, stopped dancing when many servants of the night with masks were placed by the entrance. "You wanted to see Tristan. Here he is. Unfortunately." She added the last bit when they walked to the side.

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