𝟺.𝟷𝟸: 𝚅𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚘 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍 (𝟷𝟸𝟺)

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-Narrator's perspective-

Back in the Mikaelson Compound, Hayley wonders in her head, staring at the busy streets of New Orleans up in the balcony floor as a way to clear her head of that wonder. It's what she keeps catching Elle on doing... Standing by herself and thinking deeply until someone comes in. And usually that someone was her, assuring Danielle that she was not alone. Not in this lifetime.

To Hayley, it was difficult. Seeing the girl she loves became unhinged, heartless, ruthless to her own entertainment. She saw a part of Danielle that she thought she was never going go see ever again but was proved wrong when she saw that scene in Elijah's memories. Hayley knows she should be upfront about it to Danielle but something was tugging her aback, stopping her from doing so. And it made her afraid.

"Let me guess." Rebekah pulled Hayley out of her own thoughts, coming out the doors. "Dani."

"Things are... complicated between us for now." Hayley gestured accordingly, looking at the blonde while leaning against the railings besides her carelessly.

"It's only complicated when you made it to be. She's always here, waiting until the day you finally talk to her." Rebekah said and saw the flash of guilt in Hayley's eyes. "I talked to her the other day. She couldn't even understand herself on what you saw. But it isn't fair if you judged her base on what Elijah saw that night."

"I know. But she told me parts of that story and I know that she turned her humanity off that decade. You can't tell me that a part of her didn't want to kill." She softly said, not wanting to accidentally anger Rebekah for saying such things about her sister.

But no, Rebekah understood quite well. She sighs, "It's in all of us, Hayley. The bloodlust. It overtook Kol, Klaus- all of my siblings." She explains and pauses, bitterly laughs which made Hayley look at her. "'Mercy is for the weak.' That's what Mikael used to say to Nik and Dani when we were younger to scare them. Perhaps my sister took it by heart like what Nik did, being heartless like what she did in that restaurant that day."

Hayley stayed quiet, not really confident on what to say next. Instead, Rebekah gladly did all the talking. "You've known her for a while. My sister, lived for a thousand years, is patient. Sometimes too patient for the people loves. That's you, by the way, in case you've forgotten." Rebekah continued and didn't notice that genuine smile lifted upon the hybrid's face for a second. "She's not the person who persuades when she's in the wrong. She'll wait until you come to her. And please, her patience can only go for some time. Abuse it and talk to her before it's too late." She said one last time, holding her hand for a second and leaving Hayley alone to think.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket. 'The Hollow is still out there.' The message says, sent by Danielle Mikaelson. Hayley had her name set as 'Elle' and reminisces about the time and moment she started calling the woman that name. It made her lips curve up into a smile. Again, the message worried her and had a feeling the Hollow was close.

Before she could visit her daughter, Hayley's phone buzzed again and she took a glance, seeing it was from Elle again. 'Please, be safe, love.' was read and Hayley's heart skipped, her face flushed.

When Danielle and her brothers were closing in on the place Elijah had died, she was aching to kill a bunch of people that deserved it. Her mind was already way past the fact on what would Hayley think. All she knew was that she needed to release some of the anger she had in her.

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