𝟺.𝟸: 𝙽𝚘 𝚀𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝟷𝟶𝟼)

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-Narrator's perspective-

When Danielle Mikaelson was presumed dead by Marcel's bite, it was a living proof that it can kill an original hybrid. Therefore, every single vampire stated it as a fact that Marcel Gerard can kill his prisoner, Klaus, if he ever wanted to in any time he wanted to. But he never did and he himself says that he is useful alive than dead. Anybody with a decent mind would think like Marcel as well but it was just an excuse for himself.

He would rather say that his blood is useful for wolf bites on his vampire friends. Rather than facing the truth that he cared for Klaus Mikaelson like a family because he is and Marcel is a Mikaelson. No matter what anyone would say, he wouldn't escape that fact. He can be ashamed of it but never leave.

No matter how many times Klaus or any of his siblings woulf betray Marcel, the Vampire would deep down understand but it would take a lot of time to understand. 5 years is a long time. Who knows, maybe he's just too stubborn to face the truth he's telling himself deep down.

Danielle and her family had a lot of catching up to do since almost a decade had past through their life. They took smaller steps by talking to Hayley, getting to know what Marcel has been up to and all. Talking about their niece and who exactly was Audelia Verlice and how she became a help to their family. Danielle can't deny the woman and Elijah's tension whenever they were in the same room. Just inches apart there could Danielle be, sensing a connection between the two vampires and she can only say that it was a romantic one.

For the mean time, she stayed silent about it and is willing to talk to Elijah about it if he realizes it himself. Safe to say, it's Elijah we were talking about. He was upfront and have always known what he wanted if it comes to the one's he was willing to protect.

There was only a small time that Danielle and Hayley had talked before they start planning to rescue Klaus. It was already almost sunrise and Danielle's siblings were catching their intense hunger. She had already had a sip and it was enough, surprisingly. She was much more interested in being with Hayley than feeding her hunger for blood.

"Elijah and your friend, Audelia are talking inside the warehouse. And my other siblings are either feeding or finding a plan to bring Niklaus back. We only have a moment of time before we go back to New Orleans." Danielle says as the sky is becoming more light than dark. "Are you absolutely certain, Hayley?" She asked seriously and just by saying the woman's name made her feel lifted.

"About what? Addy? She helped me bring you and the others back. And I met her through a friend a couple years ago-"

"-No, No. I don't doubt you trusting Audelia. If you trust her, then she's more than welcome to stay." Danielle interrupts and Hayley walks towards her when she sensed something more derived. "I meant that, coming with us to confront Marcel. His fight is with us and it's not a coincidence that he hadn't hunted you down for the last 5 years."

"You know, It's good to know you didn't change all this time." Hayley said, not even mad that Danielle was trying to get rid of her before the fight has even begun. The Mikaelson lets out a small laugh, ironically, that was what Kol used to say whenever he got undaggered after a few decades. "You told me, I was part of this family too. I need to be there to fight for you, Hope and even Klaus. You said so yourself, his fight is with us."

Danielle stayed silent the entire time, studying Hayley and what changed in her that she didn't get to be there for her. Made her feel enormously anxious over the thought of Hayley struggling to save her and their family.

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